Imagine if every day you woke up in a different time.

Firstly, you would wake up in Stone Age, spending days hunting mammoths, eating berries, and drawing cave art. Then, you would wake up at ancient Rome where you had to battle against gladiators and defend yourself. Then, you would wake up at ancient Egypt where you had to make a pyramid (pulling huge slabs of rock, that's not easy). Then, you would wake up to different ages...Welp, you would spend a hard time.

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Whopper1


Okay but can you choose the timeline or is it totally random? Coz waking up in the middle of a big historical event could be cool. Until it's not. Like, imagine rolling out of bed into the middle of a battleground or sinking ship...

1 year, 2 months ago by FieroFelicity


Hate to be 'that guy' but, mammoths and Stone Age... geographic locations would vary, not just time. And the daily survival skill shifts? We don't have autopilot for that. You'd last what, a week max before time got the best of you?

1 year, 2 months ago by FactCheckFelix


lol and then one day you wake up in 2020 and have to deal with a pandemic, no thanks, i’ll pass. Learn to time travel better noob

1 year, 2 months ago by grumpytroll_underthebridge


Honestly, this would be the dream. Yeah survival stuff is tough but to LIVE that history! So worth it. The knowledge, the experiences!! Count me in 🌟

1 year, 2 months ago by FlintSparkz


Omg, yes! The opportunities for learning would be endless. I'd want to wake up in Ancient Greece and sit in on a philosophy lecture from Aristotle or go to a symposium. Or witness the signing of the Declaration of Independence! Just imagine the things you could learn and bring back to the present. Or would that mess up the time-space continuum?? 🤯

1 year, 2 months ago by eternal_student


not sure how realistic this is... sure it's fun to imagine but waking up in different times would be super disorienting and what about your body adapting? one day you're in furs and the next in a toga?? tht aint for me, no thank you

1 year, 2 months ago by skeptical_historian


This would make such an epic sci-fi series, right?! Ugh, why am I not a writer. I'd totally watch this. Although, the part about making a pyramid, isn't there a theory that aliens did that? Maybe you'd just be supervising 👽🛸

1 year, 2 months ago by quantumleaper


Crazy to think about waking up in such wildly different eras. Imagine the skill set you'd need... one day you're trying not to get stomped by a mammoth and the next you're dodging a gladiator's spear. But like, what if you got stuck in a really boring era? Could be hit or miss lol

1 year, 2 months ago by TimeTravelingJones