Superpowers from different dimensions!

So hear me out, what if when characters travel dimensions they get new superpowers based on the physical laws of those universes? Like gravity is different or time flows backwards? I'm thinking of writing a story based on this but need solid rules for the powers in different dimensions. Anyone wanna help dissect this with me?

Submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by multi_verses


What if there's a dimension where everything is in super slow motion and the characters' power is super speed in our perception, but in that dimension they're moving in normal speed? Could make for some interesting heist or escape scenes!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by QuantumLeapLover


Just make sure you don't go too heavy on the science talk or you'll lose half your readers. Powers should be cool and intuitive. Like, nobody wants to read three chapters on why reversing entropy gives someone the power to un-toast their bread. Keep it snappy.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by Mr_Mxyzptlk


I'm thinking a dimension where all things happen in 2D, so you're only visible from the side. The hero can slide under doors or through narrow gaps but can't interact with anything not on the same 2D plane. Would be a mind-bending puzzle to solve every time they have to navigate the world.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by PuzzlePiece229


For rules, consider that each dimension's 'core law' must be adhered to. In a reversed time universe, maybe they can't create anything new since it would require forward time movement? So they adapt by using backward causality, where they set conditions for events to un-happen. You'd need to keep track of cause-effect chains like crazy though.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by Lord-of-Lore


You need to have consistency or it's gonna fall apart fast. Like, if gravity's different, how different? What are the limits? Do they suddenly fly off or get crushed? And how do these power changes affect their mind and body? Do they remember how to use old powers when they come back or what?

9 months, 3 weeks ago by SciFi_FactChecker


oh great another multiverse story cuz we haven't seen enough of those right? 🙄 btw if time flows backward do they become babies or what? lol

9 months, 3 weeks ago by ditto_clone


That's super cool! You could have a universe where sound doesn't travel so their powers would have to do with silence, like telepathy or some sort of sign language based spells. Each universe could also have a set of runes or symbols that work as the 'physics' the powers adhere to.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by comicnerdxoxo


Oooh, love this concept! Imagine a dimension where the characters become shadows, and their power is to manipulate dark and light areas—it changes based on the time of the day and the light sources around them. Could add a lot of strategy for when they decide to take certain actions or move around!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by dimensionhopper90