A world where poetry is the magic

Imagine a world where magic exists, but only through poetry. The rhythm and rhyme, the depth of emotion in verses. That's what powers spells. A battle isn't fought with swords, but with words that cut deeper than any blade. Looking for thoughts on how to structure a society around this concept!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by coyotecalls


Given how different styles and lengths of poetry have varying complexities, I'd suggest that more complex and lengthy poems equate to more powerful or longer-lasting spells. Sonnets might be solid, reliable magic, while a limerick could be a quick, dirty trick. A society like this could evolve around schools dedicated to different poetic forms, almost like wizarding houses, and I'd guess that political power might stem from mastering the widest range of forms or the most powerful verse. You could have famous poet-mages whose words are literally law, their most potent works written into stone.

1 year, 2 months ago by SonnetsAndSorcery


Magic in five-seven-five / Haikus hold the greatest spells / Wizards bow to them

1 year, 2 months ago by HaikuHavoc


just joined and saw this, really neat concept! but how do you handle non-combat spells? Like creating food or healing? Same deal with poems?

1 year, 2 months ago by NoMeterMadness


Longtime worldbuilder here. You've got a seed of a great idea, and I think fleshing out the socio-political structure of such a world can be intriguing. There would be a clear delineation between the literate ruling class and the common folk. Bards and poets would be valued above warriors, possibly even ruling as a type of philosopher-king, if you're leaning into a Platonic kind of society. Government officials could be elected based on their poetic prowess, and legal disputes settled by poetic debate. Public works and policies would be outlined in grand poetic form, making bureaucracy a type of performance art. The question of how this system handles corruption could lead to fascinating stories—maybe a poet who uses his skills to beguile others, or forbidden stanzas capable of destroying minds.

1 year, 2 months ago by EpicEuphony


lol imagine someone with a stutter trying to cast a spell and accidentally summoning a sheep instead of a dragon. epic fail xD

1 year, 2 months ago by CynicalSylph


Poetry as magic is cool and all, but wouldn't that kinda exclude people who are tone-deaf or dyslexic or something? Maybe there should be a system where such people can contribute in other ways, like being connoisseurs or patrons of the poetic arts. This way everyone has a place.

1 year, 2 months ago by VerseVandal


so love this! 💖 imagine a magical academy where young poets learn about classic poets and stuff, and your rank in society is like determined by how good your poetry is. kinda like how warriors have ranks based on how many battles they win. maybe there could be like... secret underground poetry duels where the stakes are super high.

1 year, 2 months ago by Quiet_Quill


Dude, that's a sick idea! You can have a guild-like system where poets are the new mages. Battles of words in an amphitheater sound epic as heck. Poets could literally duel by trading verses. Rhyme schemes and timing could determine the power level of the spell, and epic poems would be like forbidden dark magic!

1 year, 2 months ago by RhymeTimePrime