Time Travel Time - more like Budget Cut Time

Tried giving 'Time Travel Time' a shot but man, the budget must've been all spent on the title cuz the 'time machine' is an old fridge box with crayons on it. And the historical accuracy? They went to 'ancient’ Rome and everyone's speaking English with a Texas accent??? Plus, the 'gladiators' were just wearing football gear with tin foil. I can’t, I simply can’t...

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by thecritic_dude


You know, in defense of 'Time Travel Time', there's something charming about its utter lack of effort. It's like they're challenging us to imagine a better show. I don't know whether to be offended or inspired. Mostly offended, though.

1 year, 1 month ago by DeloreanDreamer


UR kidding right? I convinced my buddy it was a legit high-budget sci-fi. He’s still trying to find the hidden meaning behind the 'profound' cardboard set. Best prank this year!

1 year, 1 month ago by JustForLaughs_xD


How did 'Time Travel Time' even get greenlit? Watching paint dry would be more entertaining. Wait, no, that’d be too similar—watching paint dry, I can at least see some change.

1 year, 1 month ago by ShowSnob101


I legit thought it was a parody at first. WAIT, is it? Are they trolling us?? If it's intentional, it's genius. If not, yikes. Imagine the pitch meeting: 'Think Doctor Who meets Friday Night Lights... but with the budget of a lemonade stand.'

1 year, 1 month ago by BingeworthyNOT


The historical accuracy bit kills me. You'd think if you're making a show about time travel, you'd at least Google the era? Or heck, watch a documentary. A Texan Julius Caesar is where I draw the line.

1 year, 1 month ago by HistoriaBuff


Okay, but hear me out – the minimalist approach could be a stylistic choice, an artistic direction that reflects the impermanence of time... or am I giving them too much credit? Nah, it's just cheap – nevermind.

1 year, 1 month ago by PixelPerfect


Seriously, what is with these shows skimping on everything? I get it's low budget, but come on, a fridge box? They're not even trying anymore. It's lazy. Couldn't they at least find a metal trash can? That's slightly more time machine-y than a fridge box.

1 year, 1 month ago by BudgetWatcher


haha that show sounds like classic edutainment but without the edu... or the tainment. Ancient Rome via Texas?? Give 'em a stetson and call it a day, right?

1 year, 1 month ago by ChronoCritic