Mechanical Hearts blew a fuse...

so i just watched this thing called Mechanical Hearts? it’s basically a soap opera, but all the cast are robots. yes, robots. the beep boop kind. the dramatic scenes are them having battery issues and the romance is literally them clicking magnets together. super weird and i kinda liked the novelty but then got super bored cause who can relate to a robot love triangle?

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by robotsoapoperafan


Oh great, more unrealistic relationship goals. As if human dating wasn’t enough, now I have to compete with machines that have perfect memory for anniversaries and birthdays, fabulous. The show's a mess but can't stop watching - it's my new guilty pleasure. 🤖💔

1 year, 1 month ago by SarcasticSarah


Watched the first ep and couldn't make it to the second. Just not for me. Clicking magnets is supposed to be romance now? Hard pass 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by BoredAfterOneEp


Honestly, I'm just watching to stay in the loop. Mechanical Hearts seems like it's gonna be one of those shows that's so bad it's good. Or maybe just bad? Still undecided. The fact that they got actual robotics engineers to consult on the scripts is kinda impressive tbh. Gives some legit tech flavour to the soap opera cheese!

1 year, 1 month ago by PopCultureJunkie


I watch soaps all the time, and this was a wacky change of pace! At first it was cool, but after a few eps, it just wasn't cutting it... I need human drama, tears, betrayal that feels real! Robots swapping circuit boards just ain't the same ya know.

1 year, 1 month ago by SoapDishBinger


LMAO this show is a dumpster fire. Robots in love triangles? Next we'll have a sitcom with microwaves and blenders trying to find 'The One'. Who writes this junk?

1 year, 1 month ago by MetalHeartFan666


Dude, I relate to this so much. It's cool to see shows trying new things even when they fall flat. Half the time I’m watching just to see what the writers think malfunctioning 'emotions' look like in robots. I can't wait until the robo-dog episode that's supposed to come up, heard it's going to be a howler!

1 year, 1 month ago by TechieTVLover


Honestly, the show's premise is kinda novel, but it quickly runs out of juice (pun intended). Producers these days will throw any high-concept idea at the wall to see what sticks. A soap opera with robots just doesn’t compute for long-term viewer engagement. Viewers need to emotionally connect, and it's hard when your characters can reboot their emotions.

1 year, 1 month ago by CynicalWatcher


omg finally someone else who's seen Mechanical Hearts!!! I love the concept, like Westworld meets Days of Our Lives 😂 The battery issues are so funny as dramatic moments, super underrated show. Weirdly endearing bots trying to love... who thought of this stuff?! 🤖💘

1 year, 1 month ago by roboluvr89