Butterfly Effect: The Caterpillar Chronicles - Why did this even happen??

Yo, seriously, who thought it was a good idea to make a show about mutant caterpillars trying to stop the apocalypse?? It's like they took the name 'Butterfly Effect' super literally and just ran with it...off a cliff. The special effects look like they were done on Microsoft Paint and the plot is just painful, my dude. Why can't I stop watching this trainwreck...

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by couch_critic92


Honestly, after a long week, this show is exactly what my brain needs. Zero thinking, all the laughs (even if unintentional), and you can't beat the anticipation of 'how will they mess up this week?' 'Butterfly Effect: The Caterpillar Chronicles' is so bad it's become my fav bad show.

1 year, 1 month ago by BingeWatcherGal


Can't help but love the creativity, though. It might not make sense, but it's doing something right to keep us watching. Also, the episode where they introduced the psychic moth? Genius!

1 year, 1 month ago by PlotTwistFan


Okay, but hear me out - maybe it's a deep metaphor we're missing. Like, these 'caterpillars' represent us, and the 'apocalypse' is the modern world's issues? Or maybe it's just trash... yeah, probably that.

1 year, 1 month ago by SeriesSkeptic


This show is the pinnacle of human achievement. We can all die in peace now, knowing our legacy is secured with 'The Caterpillar Chronicles.' 10/10 would recommend to aliens.

1 year, 1 month ago by TrollyMcTrollface


Man, it's like a car crash that keeps happening... and you just can't stop rubbernecking. I mean, mutant caterpillars? lol. next up, dancing roaches save christmas??

1 year, 1 month ago by ApocaLisp


Just watched an ep cuz of this post & what even is this?? They put all the budget on the mutant caterpillar costumes and forgot to write a script or what?

1 year, 1 month ago by MadMaxMariposa


I've worked in VFX, and let me tell you, 'Butterfly Effect: The Caterpillar Chronicles' is a total insult to the craft. But then again, it's become my guilty pleasure to spot all the errors and imagine what the production meetings must've been like. Every time a new 'special effect' pops up, I take a shot. At this rate, I'll need a new liver by season's end.

1 year, 1 month ago by VisualEffectsVeteran


Haha right?? It feels like a fever dream but u can't look away. It's got that so-bad-it's-good vibe. I'd rather watch mutant caterpillars trying to save the world in MS Paint than another boring reality show tbh 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by CaterpillarFanatic98