Uhh...is it bad to drop the bday cake?

First time at my bf's family party. was given the honor to bring out the cake for his niece. tripped over a toy and face-planted. cake went everywhere. niece started bawling. his mom is giving me death glares. cool cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt no doubt

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by oops_I_did_it_again


New to this sub, but had to say something. If that was my sister's party, we'd just laugh it off. Accidents happen, if his fam can't see that and give you a break, that's on them, not u. Keep your head up!

1 year, 1 month ago by bfssupportivebro


As a mom of three little monsters who leave toys everywhere, I totally get it. Next time, make 'clearing the cake path' a game for the kids pre-party lol. Then reward them with the first slices, if the cake actually makes it.

1 year, 1 month ago by momof3terrors


Professional party planner here. First, don’t sweat it too much. These things happen more than you think. Going forward, clear a path and do a dry run—no cake in hand, just practice your entrance. Secure pets and toys beforehand. Maybe turn this into a fun tradition? Have the niece 'help' bring her own cake next time to lighten the mood and make new memories. If you’re asked to do it again, it’s a sign they trust you can handle it. If not, hey, you get to enjoy the party without the stress!

1 year, 1 month ago by partyplannerpro


Nice job, the niece will be telling her therapist about her traumatic cakeless birthday 20 years from now lol.

1 year, 1 month ago by celebration_crasher


Hold up, I gotta ask, why was there a toy in the path of the cake delivery route??? Seems like someone's setting you up for disaster... dun dun DUN! Nah, just playing, but really though, not your fault, someone should've checked the runway was clear for the cake landing lol.

1 year, 1 month ago by boyfriendssister89


hey, accidents happen, no use crying over spilt cake right 😂 just chill, help clean, maybe get a backup dessert? everyone trip at some point

1 year, 1 month ago by chillvibesonly


this is straight outta a sitcom lmao. bet the death glare was like janice from friends 'OH. MY. GOD.' youre officially the cake klutz of the family now. embrace the meme 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by justamemener


I feel for ya, seriously I do. Should've seen the time my aunt's dog snatched the Thanksgiving turkey straight off the table. Everyone's got that one 'oops' moment at family events. Just own it and help clean up, they'll forget about it once the next big family blunder happens, trust me.

1 year, 1 month ago by cakefiasco2021