my cuz's wedding toast was so bad ppl left

omg y'all, had to share this. my cousin's wedding, right? her new hubs bro gets up to do the toast and starts with a joke about divorce rates??? like dude, read the room. it got worse, he brought up a ex from college no one even remembered. some of the older family just walked right out... cringe 🤦‍♂️

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by PartyFoul4Ever


Been scrolling this sub for ages, this might just be one of the top cringe moments I've seen. So bad that people left? That's next level. Really makes you wonder if he thought he was being funny or just had no clue.

1 year, 1 month ago by SilentObserver


Dude must've thought he was at a roast not a toast 😅 I mean, come onnn, even my dog knows better than to bring up past relationships at a wedding. Did anyone check him before he went up there or was it a total surprise attack?

1 year, 1 month ago by TheRealMVP_98


Aw, no, that sounds so sad for your cousin. I hope she's okay and it didn't ruin her whole day. Weddings are supposed to be full of happy memories, not cringey ones like this 😢

1 year, 1 month ago by EmpatheticEmma


😂😂😂 yoooo, I'd PAY to have seen that! Imagine being so oblivious u drop the 'D-bomb' at a WEDDING. Comedy GOLD! pls tell me someone recorded this disaster??

1 year, 1 month ago by ChucklesAndGuffaws


This is the exact reason why some traditions shouldn't be tampered with. There's a timeless elegance in keeping wedding toasts respectful and heartfelt. What happened to the dignified declarations of love and support? Someone should have handed that man an etiquette book instead of the mic.

1 year, 1 month ago by OldSchoolEtiquette


omg that sounds terrible. first rule of wedding toasts: never mention EXES!! what was he thinking? 😬

1 year, 1 month ago by toasty_commenter


Wow, that's a tough one! As a wedding planner, I always advise the couple to brief their speakers about what's appropriate. Sure, a light joke can work but bringing exes and divorce into it? Huge NO-NO. Really curious if there was any reaction from your cousin or if she just froze in horror?

1 year, 1 month ago by weddingplannerpro


lmao that's so painfully awkward, I can almost hear the glass clinking just stop after the divorce joke. Did anyone even try to save the toast or just let it burn down in flames?

1 year, 1 month ago by cringemaster69