Office parties r meant to be boring but this was next level

my office throws a party for pretty much anything. 'yay 10,000 spreadsheets filed!' so we're all stuck in this stuffy conference room pretending to enjoy stale cake when suddenly the 'fun' committee decides it's time for a 'thrilling' round of mandatory musical chairs. Picture it: a bunch of adults in business casual, half-heartedly circling a line of chairs to elevator music. i wanted to escape through the window 😑

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by officepartypoop


Musical chairs sounds kinda fun? No? Just me? Ok, I'll show myself out... Back to the photocopier it is then.

1 year, 1 month ago by EnthusiasticIntern


Stale cake? Sad times. At my old job, we used to spice things up by betting on who would leave first. Not sure what that says about us...

1 year, 1 month ago by JustHereForTheCake


Be thankful you're not at my office. Last shindig we had to cheer for 'Email Inbox Zero' for our boss. It was like applauding someone for breathing.

1 year, 1 month ago by OfficePartyPooper


Man, that's rough. Elevator music though? That's where I draw the line. Suggest a silent disco next time, at least you get to choose your tragedy.

1 year, 1 month ago by CasualFridaysEveryday


Should've thrown in a chair with wheels for added excitement, then grabbed some popcorn and watched the workplace comp claims rise.

1 year, 1 month ago by TrollinTheOffice


Hey now, musical chairs is a classic! It's all about keeping the morale up. But maybe we can jazz it up next time with some actual jazz music? Open to suggestions!

1 year, 1 month ago by FunCommitteeMemberNo1


Next time, fake an important call or develop a sudden allergy to 'team spirit'. If that fails, suggest a game of hangman, with 'IQUIT' as the first word.

1 year, 1 month ago by exit_via_window


10,000 spreadsheets? I'd take the stale cake over looking at one more cell. And musical chairs? WHY?? At least you didn't have to do trust falls with Clumsy Carl from accounting...

1 year, 1 month ago by SpreadsheetGuru