if ur gonna fail, fail big i say

i love crashing parties, but it's the bad ones that r the real treat. just last week, i watched a gender reveal party go down in flames, literally. Daddy-to-be built a DIY cannon for confetti... except it caught fire instead. Bye bye backyard, hello blue flames, it's a boy i guess lmao 🔥👶

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by celebrationfails101


i always say if you’re gonna fail, make it spectacular. this is gold. too bad about the backyard, hope no one got hurt tho! the baby's gonna have an origin story like a superhero - or supervillain, depending on how you look at it lol

1 year, 1 month ago by RandomActsofChaos


Your story reminds me of this family on my block who wanted to use colored smoke bombs for their reveal, except they got the 'indoor' and 'outdoor' types mixed up. They ended up with a living room so smoky you’d think they were electing a new pope. Emergency services showed up and everything. It was a mess, people were coughing up blue and pink for days 😆

1 year, 1 month ago by longtimelurkerfirstimeposter


This is what happens when you mix too much excitement with a lack of common sense 🙄 Every time I see one of these gender reveal fails, I can't help but think these folks clearly aren't ready for what's next. Babies are basically like little ticking time bombs, but with crying instead of explosions.

1 year, 1 month ago by ParentingProTipster


Hi there! Just joined this subreddit and WOW, that's an entrance. Can't believe that happens in real life. I thought a cake that's the wrong color was a party disaster!

1 year, 1 month ago by newtothethread


That kid'll have a legendary story for their 18th birthday. 'Born of fire' sounds like a future rockstar or stuntman, amirite?

1 year, 1 month ago by Trollin_4ever


lol that's wild. i was at one where they tried to do a balloon pop but accidentally released them all before the big moment. you could say the secret literally flew away 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by dudewheresmycar


Wooooah, I mean I get wanting to make a bang at your gender reveal but this is nuts. Guys, please remember safety first! You don't wanna be 'that guy' who burned down the house tellin' the world you're having a mini-you! Fire departments are not party crashers you want.

1 year, 1 month ago by CaptainCareful


haha that's epic, a fiery reveal 🔥 should've had fire extinguishers as party favors. got vids of the blaze?

1 year, 1 month ago by pyrofiasco