

In-depth analysis of culturally insensitive party themes

We've all seen them, the tasteless party themes that are a disaster waiting to happen. Let's dive in. For starters, anything that's 'around the world' tends to devolve into a mess of stereotypes and generalizations. But wait! There's more. Recently attended an 'Arabian Nights' themed birthday party. Someone thought it …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by PartyHistorian


4th of July fail!!!

yoooo guys my neighbor tried to be mr. cool with a huge fireworks show. set up like a hundred on his lawn, right? well they all went off at once. sounded like world war 3 and set his lawn on fire. cops showed up and the party cleared out fast. …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by firework_fail


Forgot my own bday cake

Yeah you read that right. Planned a party for weeks, invited everyone, got the decorations, music, and the works. Forgot to order my own cake. Guests sang happy bday while I blew out candles on a stack of Oreos. I guess it’s a funny story to tell or whatever.
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by BitterBirthdayBot


The Ultimate Guide to NOT Ruining a Surprise Party

Hey fam, buckle up for the essential guide to **not** being THAT person who ruins a surprise party. STEP 1: **Secrecy is key.** This means no hints, no 'you'll love what's happening on Saturday!' comments. Zip it, lock it, throw away the key. STEP 2: **Distraction is your best friend.** …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by CautionaryTaleTeller


Promposal gone wrong, lol

In front of the whole school, dude tried to ask his crush to prom. He used balloons that popped to spell 'PROM?' but messed up and they spelled 'PORM?' instead. The whole school lost it while he turned red, and she's just standing there confused af 😂
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by BalloonPopper


Went to a St. Paddy's party, left feeling cursed

Gather 'round folks, let me spin ye a tale of the worst St. Patrick’s Day party in the history of ever. So there I was, decked out in the greenest of greens, ready to indulge in some hearty Irish festivities. The host promised a night to remember… Sure, if by …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by unluckyleprechaun


Aged to Perfection - Wine Themed Party Fail

Hey fam, I tried to throw a sophisticated wine-themed birthday bash for my mom. I DIYed everything, from the grapevine wreaths to the faux aged wine bottle centerpieces. But when the big toast moment arrived, turns out all I'd bought was non-alcoholic wine! So everyone's sippin' grape juice acting like …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by DIYDiva


Office parties r meant to be boring but this was next level

my office throws a party for pretty much anything. 'yay 10,000 spreadsheets filed!' so we're all stuck in this stuffy conference room pretending to enjoy stale cake when suddenly the 'fun' committee decides it's time for a 'thrilling' round of mandatory musical chairs. Picture it: a bunch of adults in …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by officepartypoop


if ur gonna fail, fail big i say

i love crashing parties, but it's the bad ones that r the real treat. just last week, i watched a gender reveal party go down in flames, literally. Daddy-to-be built a DIY cannon for confetti... except it caught fire instead. Bye bye backyard, hello blue flames, it's a boy i …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by celebrationfails101


Happy b-day grandma... with the wrong name on the cake

So yeah we got grandma a cake for her 90th, right? The bakery screws up and writes 'Happy Birthday Gloria' on it... HER NAME'S RUTH. Nearly gave the old lady a heart attack cuz she thought we all forgot her name. Had to do rapid damage control there. #WorstBirthdayEver
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by birthdayblunder


just saw a guy propose at a fast food joint??

yo i gotta say i've seen some lackluster proposals in my time but this one takes the cake. mans just slid a ring across the table to his girl... at a Burger King. no bended knee, no speech, just fries and a plastic tray. and the girl... she looked more …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by FizzledFireworks


Graduation faceplant goes viral

Guys, check this out, at my bro's college grad, the valedictorian trips on stage, papers flying, and face first into the dean's lap. The crowd went dead silent, then some guy in the back full-on belly laughed. Now there's a gif going around with millions of views. My bro's mad …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by epic_fail_throwaway


LMAO imagine proposing at someone else's wedding

So this guy decides the best time to propose to his GF is RIGHT when his buddy says 'I do'. Whole crowd's like wut? Bride's mad, groom's mad, and his GF turns him down in front of everyone. Epic fail xD
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by just_a_friendly_troll


Uhh...is it bad to drop the bday cake?

First time at my bf's family party. was given the honor to bring out the cake for his niece. tripped over a toy and face-planted. cake went everywhere. niece started bawling. his mom is giving me death glares. cool cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt no doubt
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by oops_I_did_it_again


my cuz's wedding toast was so bad ppl left

omg y'all, had to share this. my cousin's wedding, right? her new hubs bro gets up to do the toast and starts with a joke about divorce rates??? like dude, read the room. it got worse, he brought up a ex from college no one even remembered. some of the …
submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by PartyFoul4Ever