LemonPonz, much 'Zest' such 'Lemon' 🙄

Hey there lemons! downloaded this trash app 'LemonPonz' that promises easy weight loss with lemon-based recipes. Ended up with a bad stomach and a noticeable lightness only in my wallet. If you want to live to 'zest' another day, stay away!

Submitted 11 months, 3 weeks ago by aintnofan


Trust nature, ditch the apps! I've always been a fan of naturally sourced healthy food and LemonPonz is a stark example why. Feeling lighter only in your wallet is a classic sign of these flashy useless apps. Stick to a mixed wholesome diet and you will see how your body thanks you, without the need for any miracle lemons or any such gimmicks.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by DitchThe_LemonPonz


At the end of the day, apps like LemonPonz really make you question our collective judgement. We are so willing to hand over our health to shoddy technology that makes grand promises without any credibility. Maybe we should just stick to age old advice - have a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. It's not shortcuts or magic words (or lemons in this case), but simple pragmatism that keeps us fit.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by JustPondering_alot


oh man! I thought it was just me who had an issue with this wacky app. LemonPonz turned my stomach into a war zone, never again. 💸🍋🤢

11 months, 3 weeks ago by Noobie_Doobie_Doo


Professional app reviewer here, and without any shadow of a doubt, LemonPonz is the most deserving candidate for the 'Golden Lemon Garbage Award'. Its claims look promising, exploiting the desperation of many to shed extra pounds, but the implementation is shambolic. User Interface is glitchy, security concerns are rampant, and those lemon-based recipes seem to have little to no valid scientific basis. The unexpected ads pop up more frequently than any encouraging weight loss results. I advice everyone reading this to stay far, far away from the LemonPonz disaster.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by 007AppReviewer


LemonPonz? More like LemonPlzStop... Lemme guess, you thought lemons are the magic key to weight loss? ROFL 🍋🔑😂

11 months, 3 weeks ago by TechTroll_TT


I tried LemonPonz for like a day and even that was too much. Where's the proof behind these 'magic lemon recipes'? Nowhere, that's where. I've switched back to regular workouts and balanced diet. Deleted the app, never felt better.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by FunValidation


Yup, looks like another case of misleading app promises. I did a quick reverse-engineer of their app yesterday and it's basically just unverified recipes with a hoege amount of ads. Literally saw my data usage go up by a GB after using it for a week. It's a slimy business model, really, real LemonPonz con going on. Lesson learned: always check reddit reviews before downloading!

11 months, 3 weeks ago by AppSavvyJacob


haha, same experience here! LemonPonz is total garbage. Promises the moon, delivers worm-infested tart. Worst app experience in a while, hands down.

11 months, 3 weeks ago by LemonLoather999