Alright, hear me out. Wii graphics are obviously superior to the PS5. I mean, you can actually see the sweat on Matt's forehead as he beats you in Wii Sports Boxing. Good luck getting that kind of detail on PS5 IMSHO. Don't @ me with your 'ray tracing' and '4K nonsense'. Wii had the soul, PS5 just got cold hardware.
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by WiimoteWarrior
It's all subjective at the end of the day. Some people prefer the simplicity and stylization of the Wii, brings back the good old days vibes. PS5’s hyper-realism? Overrated. My toaster could do that with the right shader. Kidding, or am I?
Obviously, the PS5 has superior graphics by objective standards. I mean, technology has come a long way since the Wii. But graphics aren't the sole factor of a gaming experience. Wii games had character, and let's not forget the impact of innovative gameplay during its era.