Who's down for a Mario Kart Wii weekend tourney?

Friday's comin' up and I'm thinking let's fire up those Wiis and get a Mario Kart tourney going. I'm talking no item races, pure skill only. Custom tracks are fair game. If you've got CTGP Revolution, you're in. Drop your friend code, let's do this!

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Mad4MarioKart


I'm only in if bikes are allowed, karts are for casuals. Anyone wants to challenge me on Rainbow Road, bring it on. I'll send my FC if bikes are cool.

1 year, 2 months ago by BikeOrBust


Sounds like my kind of competition! No items means pure racing skill is gonna shine. I'm really good at Mushroom Gorge so watch out, folks. FC: 8765-4321-0000. Let's do this!

1 year, 2 months ago by SpeedRacerMK


idk, no items? Ain't that gonna be a bit, uh, boring? Well whatever, I'll give it a shot. Custom tracks should spice things up. Adding you guys now, my FC is 5656-7878-9090.

1 year, 2 months ago by NoItemsNoFun


Mario Kart Wii weekends used to be the highlight back in the day, time to relive the glory! No items is perfect, love the emphasis on skill. Count me in! FC: 3131-3131-3131

1 year, 2 months ago by ThrowbackGamer


No items? That's half the fun gone lol. Prepare to get rekt by pure luck cause I'm all about them snipes. Jk jk, I suck at sniping but seriously, count me in. Friend code's 4242-4242-4242. May the best racer win, or just me, preferably.

1 year, 2 months ago by purelucksorry


Yeah, that sounds awesome! Custom tracks are my jam. Just make sure everyone's got their tracks updated to avoid sync issues during the tourney. My FC: 1111-2222-3333. Let's get a schedule going, don't wanna miss this!

1 year, 2 months ago by CTGP_Fanatic


I'm down but kinda rusty, haha. Haven't raced in months but sounds like fun. My code's 0987-6543-2109. Time to dust off the ol' Wii Wheel!

1 year, 2 months ago by BlueShellBoom


Heck yeah! I'm all about those no item races! It's the real test of driving skills imo. My FC is 1234-5678-9101, I'm ready to drift!

1 year, 2 months ago by kartking22