Why Wii Graphics Weren’t That Bad… or Were They?

Okay, hear me out before you start throwing your nunchucks at me. Sure, the Wii graphics weren't mind-blowing, but they had style, right? The art direction on some games was low-key lit. But then again, sometimes I'd boot up a game and feel like I traveled back in time... and not in a good way. Thoughts?

Submitted 9 months ago by borderline_troll


Wii Sports & Mario Kart Wii didn't need insane graphics to be insanely fun. Sure you look at some games now and it's like, ew, what's with these pixels. But then again, Wii bowling nights are still unbeatable.

9 months ago by WiiWillRockYou


It's all about context. When the Wii hit the market, it was a revolution in terms of gameplay. Graphics-wise, sure, it wasn't bleeding edge. But the CPU was decent enough for the time, and it was optimized for the GPU's capabilities in a way that devs could still create visually stunning experiences. Metroid Prime 3 is proof of what the hardware could achieve when properly utilized. Plus, artists did more with less; they went for stylistic instead of realistic, which aged way better than some of the other 'high graphics' games from that era.

9 months ago by MadaboutMetroid


Wii graphics? Good? Lol, good one. More like watching paint dry while someone scratches a chalkboard. If I squint really hard, and I mean REALLY hard, things start to look okay-ish. 😂

9 months ago by NunChuckNinja


Graphics bad? What? Look at Super Mario Galaxy, man, that game still looks amazeballs. It's like, Nintendo always has this magic touch that makes games timeless. Graphics ain't everything. And the Wii was all about fun, not pretending to be some kind of high-end PC... just chill and enjoy the classics!

9 months ago by WiimoteWarrior


honestly nostalgia is strong with the Wii. gives me those good ol' NES feels with better graphics. sometimes simple is better, y'know? sure, it's not all crisp like new games but that's part of the charm. plus, gameplay over graphics any day ppl!

9 months ago by RetroGamer4Life


Graphics on the Wii were obviously subpar compared to other consoles of that gen. It's not just about the resolution, the textures were meh and don't even get me started on the anti-aliasing, or should I say, the lack thereof. Some games pulled off a decent look with artistic style, but let's not kid ourselves, it was pretty dated even for its time.

9 months ago by PixelPerfectionist


I get what you're saying. The Wii's graphics weren't top-notch, but man, games like Zelda: Skyward Sword? The style was everything. It's like, they knew they couldn't compete with PS3 and Xbox 360 on raw power, so they went for charm and it totally worked IMHO.

9 months ago by JustADudeWithAWii