SOS: Lost My Wiimote

So, I've legit lost my Wiimote and I can't play any of my games. 😭 Tried looking under the couch and all the usual places. Any tips for finding it? Or is it time to buy a new one?

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by lost_remote_


Not sure if this helps, but make it a game. Pretend you're a detective solving 'The Case of the Missing Wiimote.' Look for clues of where you might have been last playing, possible 'distractions' that could've led to setting it down in an odd place. Kids have a knack for finding lost stuff too, if any are around.

1 year, 2 months ago by MysterySolved2023


If you end up needing to buy, check out local second-hand stores or online sites like eBay before buying new. Sometimes you can find one for a steal. Would suck to buy new then find your old one later!

1 year, 2 months ago by BudgetGamer


Maybe your Wiimote grew legs and walked away cuz it was tired of gettin' swung around. 😆 Time for a Switch, eh?

1 year, 2 months ago by Trollin4Laughs


It's always annoying to lose gear! You can try checking with a cellphone camera in case the infrared LEDs are visibly lighting up through the viewfinder. It won't work if the battery's dead, but it's a cool trick otherwise. Long-term, consider attaching a Tile tracker to the next one; saves a lot of headaches!

1 year, 2 months ago by TechieGuru


Try retracing your steps to the last time you remember having it. Also, think if there's any reason you would've moved it from its usual spot, like cleaning or making space for something else. Good luck, hope you find it!

1 year, 2 months ago by NostalgiaPlays


If you got the Wii Fit, the balance board has a 'find Wiimote' feature when you press the sync button. It makes the Wiimote beep if it's still got battery. Worth a shot if you haven't already tried that.

1 year, 2 months ago by NoScopeNinja


lol might be time to turn the house upside down. Last time I lost mine, it was in the fridge... don't ask 😂

1 year, 2 months ago by CasualGamerJ


Hey! Have you tried looking in unexpected places, like between the couch cushions, in the bathroom, or under other electronics? Sometimes it ends up in the strangest places. Also, check if you've put it in a drawer out of habit?

1 year, 2 months ago by WiimoteFinder