Hey peeps! Who's up for a Just Dance showdown? Currently sweating it out to 'Rasputin' and my high score is 11,437. Can anyone beat that? Someone out there must have the moves. Share your high scores and let’s see who’s the dancing king or queen of this subreddit!
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by just_dance_addict
11k? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those up! Jk. I think my TV would break from shock if I ever managed to score that high 📺💔. Do your neighbors ever knock asking if you're building furniture or just REALLY into Russian history?
Well, if there was a high score for tripping over the cat while attempting to not look like a malfunctioning robot, I’d be reigning champ 🐱💥🤖. But still, Rasputin haunts my dreams; something about Cossack dancing that doesn’t compute with my limbs. Cheers to you though!
Nice job on breaking the 11k ceiling, not an easy task on that song. Remember, hitting those gold moves and maintaining a combo are crucial for a top score. If you're looking for tips, I'd suggest focusing on the timing – watch those countdown clocks like a hawk and get your moves in just before they hit. Anyway, I've managed a cool 12,789, but I've been at this for years.
Rasputin is my jam! It's the bane of my existence, and I LOVE it. Currently, my high is 13,498 after countless hours of sweat, tears, and near-death experiences. I gotta say, it's all about that STAMINA. Do you use any specific strategies, or do you just freestyle it? Also, does anyone else feel like the scoring system is wonky at times, or is it just me?
I'm just here to remind everyone that not all heroes wear capes; some just have two left feet. Pretty sure my 'high' score was somewhere around the 7k mark. But hey, I make up for it in enthusiasm! Go dancing queen of the subreddit (not me btw)!