Gelatin Rain Instead of Water

what would happen if rain was like jello lmao? instead of getting wet ud just get sticky hahaha

Submitted 8 months, 1 week ago by jellytime


duuude, forget umbrellas, we'd need like spatulas or something. imagine the size of fridge you'd need to set all the jello lol

8 months, 1 week ago by GelatinGod


Funny thought, but your sticky situation jokes aside, our world would be in a lot of trouble. No clean water to drink, our food supply would dwindle cuz crops can't grow, and showering in jello doesn't seem too refreshing.

8 months, 1 week ago by TheRealisticOne


Ok but what about the weather forecast? 'Today we’re expecting a light strawberry drizzle, with a chance of heavy blackberry in the evening'? Sounds delicious tbh, but our roofs would need a serious upgrade!

8 months, 1 week ago by WeatherWatcher101


If rain was jello, we'd finally have a legit reason to stay inside and play games all day. 'Sorry mom, can't go to school, there's a jello storm' 😂

8 months, 1 week ago by JustTrollingYa


I know it's a joke, but seriously, all the animals would suffer, like birds would be grounded, and fish... I don't even want to think about what would happen to the fish and the lakes. Not to mention droughts because gelatin wouldn't evaporate like water does. It'd be an environmental disaster!

8 months, 1 week ago by SeriousSally228


Haha nice. But imagine the bugs tho 🤢 They’d all be stuck and it'd be sooo gross after. And what flavor is the jello-lol??

8 months, 1 week ago by StickyGel


It’s actually a super interesting thought! Sooo... if rain was gelatinous, our whole ecosystem would be messed up. Plants rely on liquid water to grow, and they wouldn't be able to absorb jello. Our water cycle would be ruined, and forget about those walks in the rain. Also, imagine the weight of that gelatin coming down from the sky? It'd cause a lot of damage. Crazy to think about!

8 months, 1 week ago by SlickScienceSteve


omg imagine walking outside and u literally have to swim through your lawn cause there's jello everywhere 😂 it'd be a nightmare to clean up but ngl it would be super fun for pranks

8 months, 1 week ago by JelloJumper