what if snakes had legs

yo what if like snakes had legs wouldn't that be wild? they'd be running around n stuff like lizards but faster i bet

Submitted 8 months, 1 week ago by noobmaster64


legged snakes = danger noodles with stilts. sounds like a disaster waiting to happen 🤣 and snakes on a plane would’ve been way less scary lol

8 months, 1 week ago by RandomTroll47


Leggy snakes? Kinda sounds like what lizards are lol. But imagine the patterns on these new snake legs - breeders would go nuts!

8 months, 1 week ago by EvoDevoKid


Consider the structural adaptations needed for legged snakes. The morphology of their pelvis, changes in spinal articulation, redefined locomotive muscles… The biomechanical implications are profound. Not to mention the ecological ramifications. Are we talking two legs? Four? More? The type and number of legs would garner a plethora of research avenues on gait, speed, and prey capture.

8 months, 1 week ago by anatomi_nerd


Let me tell ya, feeding time for my ball python is already a trip, but with legs? Might as well open a racetrack in the living room.

8 months, 1 week ago by HerpDad


nah, snakes are perfect as is. legs would ruin their vibe.

8 months, 1 week ago by not_a_fan_of_feet


Actually, the whole 'snakes with legs' scenario is not as far-fetched as you might think. Some prehistoric snakes, like those from the Cretaceous period, did have legs. Their evolution led to legless forms we see today; legs might have actually been a hindrance in the environments they found most beneficial - like tight burrows or thick underbrush. If they suddenly grew legs now, it would change their whole muscle structure and biomechanics. They'd need different strategies for movement, possibly leading to a completely different way of interacting with their environment. Predation methods, mating rituals, even their hiding spots would have to change. Fascinating to consider!

8 months, 1 week ago by terrariumpal


snakes with legs? lol we'd be callin' them dragonesque leg noodles for sure. but man, the speed! i bet they'd be zippy little critters, outrunning us all 😂

8 months, 1 week ago by snekboi


dude totally, if snakes had legs they'd be so much like monitor lizards it's not even funny. but imagine they kept their slithery movement tho? would totally change up how they hunt and live. gotta think those legs would make 'em super agile predators, maybe even better climbers. evolution would be trippin

8 months, 1 week ago by leglesslizardfan