

What if there existed an interesting hotel?

Imagine this: in Oman, we have a very interesting hotel called Fantasy Escapes. Each room will take you to a literal "fantasy escape" (whenever it's a castle themed room, a pirate ship themed room, and many more). There will be also a restaurant selling exotic cuisines, with amazing world cuisines …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Whopper1


What if all software bugs were actually features from an alternate reality trying to manifest in our own?

An intriguing thought occurred to me while I was debugging a particularly stubborn piece of code. What if every software bug we encounter is an unintentional crossover feature from a parallel universe’s version of the same software? Intricacies where concepts or laws of computer science hold differently. Let's dive deeper …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by daydreaming_dev


What if consciousness is just a myth and we’re all just following sophisticated programming?

I often ponder on the nature of consciousness. What if what we perceive as consciousness is merely an intricate program running within the brain, devoid of the freedom of choice or will? Every thought, every emotion, every decision, could be the result of complex neural algorithms that have evolved over …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by mysterious_thinker


What if unicorns were real but they're invisible and that’s why we never see them?

okay hear me out, everyone always goes on about how unicorns aren’t real right? but what if they actually are and we just can't see them cuz they're invisible? and every time you think you walked into a spider web with nothing there, it’s actually unicorn hair. explain that, science! …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by theoretical_thug


What if basketball hoops randomly moved during the game?

Think about it, what if the hoops in basketball were on some kinda track and they moved around the court during the game. Would players adapt or just be super confused all the time? Maybe it'll bring a whole new skill set to the sport haha.
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by Cosmic_Hoops


what if every decision created a new universe??

so like, what if every time we choose something, a different universe pops up where we chose the other thing?? And I'm not talking about just the big stuff but like every tiny thing. Every step you take, every time you scratch your nose, bam! New universe. That'd mean there's …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by parallel_pal


What if we discovered a parallel universe where the laws of physics are different?

I've been thinkin'... what if one day, scientists find out there's another universe like ours but where physics works totally different? Like, what if gravity just stopped workin' after 10 feet above the ground, or energy wasn't conserved? Imagine how nuts that would be for our understanding of everything. We'd …
submitted 11 months, 2 weeks ago by whatif_wizard