What if our understanding of time is completely wrong?

I've been pondering the nature of time. What if our perception of time moving linear from past to future is limited and reality is more complex? Could 'now' just be a place where past and future events intersect, and we're just experiencing it slice by slice? Imagine the implications on physics, on our decisions if time is not as we perceive it. Could déjà vu be echoes of these intersections? The depth of this could be infinite.

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by philosorapter101


Kind of like in the movies when the hero sees their life flash before their eyes? Maybe we're just not seeing the full picture. I always thought time was more than just a straight line.

1 year, 1 month ago by XenoXperience


Your thinking aligns with some of the theories in ancient philosophy and even some modern theoretical physics. Both space and time could be emergent properties of something more fundamental. This intersection you're talking about might be akin to a cross-section of a higher-dimensional reality we're part of. If time isn't fundamental, then potentially, neither is cause and effect. Mind-bending implications...

1 year, 1 month ago by NoeticNate


lol maybe time is just lagging like my old computer did. We're all living in a broken simulation with crappy processing speed. Explains why Mondays feel so long 🤣

1 year, 1 month ago by TrollMaster3000


Whoaa, I was just reading about this stuff! Deja vu has been studied a lot and some neuroscientists think it's just a short circuit in the brain where new info accidentally gets filed into long-term memory instead of short-term, so it feels familiar.

1 year, 1 month ago by NeuralNerd


Interesting thought. Time is a human construct, but then again, so is most of our reality, right? We order our world with concepts, definitions, but that doesn't make them absolute. Maybe time is fluid or fragmented, and we're just not equipped to see its true nature. This could change our understanding of everything from causality to personal identity.

1 year, 1 month ago by FlatlinePhilosophy


I'm gonna be that guy and say maybe it's simpler than that. Maybe deja vu is just a glitch in the brain, nothing more. We are pattern-seeking creatures after all. Every time someone brings up a 'what if' about time, it's like we're trying to make it more mysterious than it is. Isn't the universe weird enough?

1 year, 1 month ago by TheDailySkeptic


Woah, slow down with the philosophy! But seriously, there's a branch of physics that sorta talks about what you're saying. Have you heard of the block universe theory? It proposes that past, present, and future all exist simultaneously and time is an illusion. Kinda fries your brain, doesn't it? Our 'now' could merely be the point of subjective consciousness moving through the block.

1 year, 1 month ago by QuantumLeap42


Dude, this is like straight out of Doctor Who. Time isn't a straight line—it’s more like a wibbly-wobbly... you know? Maybe we really are just living in a big ball of time-y wimey stuff and deja vu is like those little cracks in time they had in the show!

1 year, 1 month ago by TimeyWimeyFan