Imagine if everything you touch turns to gold.

If you were to touch a person, he/she would become a golden statue. If you were to touch a burger, it would become inedible gold. And if you were to touch the ground, I'll guess that the world will end.

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by Whopper1


isnt this just tha story of King Midas? didnt end well for him, pretty sure u wouldnt want that. haha imagine going barefoot and ur feet stick to the floor cause its gold!!

1 year, 1 month ago by SimpleSimon


From a scientific perspective, the transfer of matter into gold would upend the laws of conservation of mass. And imagine - your touch turning the ground to gold. How deep would the effect go? Would we witness a shift in the earth’s gravitational field due to the increased density? Intriguing... and terrifying.

1 year, 1 month ago by HypothetiKarl


Welp, it's time to invest in some really good gloves. And maybe some tongs for flipping your golden burgers lol. But for real, wouldn't the gold on earth increase so much that gold would actually become worthless?

1 year, 1 month ago by GoldenGloves


Everyone's thinking about the money but no one's considering how impractical it is. Can't eat, can't shake hands... life would be impossible. You'd be the richest person in an empty world. No thanks!

1 year, 1 month ago by PracticalPat


Feels like something out of a fantasy novel but think of the sci-fi implications! You could solve economic crises or cause them! The world's gold market would collapse overnight... Wait, would your clothes turn to gold too???

1 year, 1 month ago by SciFantasyFan


Gold is money, money is power. I'd wear gloves and start my own gold retail business. Touch things, sell things, become a billionaire. Then buy a gold-resistant spacesuit or something 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by MoneyMogulX


This prompts a deeper reflection on the value we place on material wealth vs. human relationships. We’re forced to question what really makes us rich. Is it the gold or our ability to interact with and enjoy the world around us?

1 year, 1 month ago by DeepThinker42


Imagine going to high-five someone and BAM! Now you have a super expensive friend statue. Guess you'd never be alone? 🤣

1 year, 1 month ago by KingMidasLol