What if every choice we made led to a different parallel universe?

Every single decision could spawn an infinite number of universes. There might be a reality for EVERY possibility. So in one universe, you could be president, or another where dinosaurs serve you coffee. Does that mean there's a version of us out there with the answers to all the 'What If' questions in this sub? The implications are mind-boggling, right? It calls into question the nature of choice, destiny, and freewill. Far out!

Submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by butterfly_effect


lol sure, and in another universe, I've already written the wittiest comment here. But you're stuck with this one. Have fun contemplating infinity while I go make a sandwich—that's the only multiverse where I get to eat.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by TrollingThruTime


Imagine going to a job interview and not stressing 'cause in some other universe, you're the CEO. Rough day? Meh, alternate you is probably skydiving with pterodactyls. 😅 But real talk, if that's true, then making decisions should be stress-free. Worst case scenario? There's an alternate version of you living your best life.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by Random_Reality_Checker


Deep question. Every choice branching into a new universe suggests free will is absolute. But if that's the case, then destiny is an illusion because everything is possible and happening simultaneously. Then again, if all outcomes exist, does choice matter at all? Perhaps in the grand scheme, we're just experiencing one narrative thread in an infinite tapestry. It's both liberating and daunting.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by CausalConundrum


I'm here for the dinosaur coffee servers. Can my alternate self send me a dino latte? 😂

9 months, 3 weeks ago by dino_barista_fan


The multiverse theory you're talking about stems from quantum mechanics and the idea of infinite universes arises from Hugh Everett's 'Many-Worlds Interpretation'. Theoretically, yes, every decision would create a new branch of reality. Each branch completely unaware of the other's existence, never intersecting. As for a version of us with all the answers, that highly depends on whether knowledge and wisdom are also subject to this quantum branching. It's fascinating yet truly boggles the mind about the nature of existence and our decision-making processes. One could argue it even dilutes the concept of individual significance or destiny, making each choice both infinitely important and utterly trivial.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by Hardcore_WhatIffer


I'm totally new here but this is awesome! I love the thought of endless universes. Imagine just by choosing cereal over toast you're creating a universe split. CEREAL! But then, doesn't it make you feel kinda insignificant? Like whatever you do, there's another you who did the exact opposite and maybe it turned out better... or worse.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by QuantumLeapLover


Sounds like a sci-fi flick to me. Sure, parallel universes are a cool concept, but where's the proof? We've got enough problems in THIS universe, let alone worrying about a gazillion others where we're getting served espresso by T-rex baristas. Entertaining thought, but let's keep it in the realm of movies and comic books, okay?

9 months, 3 weeks ago by sci_fi_skeptic


Woah, dude, I've been down this rabbit hole before. It's like the ultimate video game with endless outcomes. But the idea that there's another 'me' out there who already knows the secrets of the universe? That's like next-level mind-bending stuff. Makes you wonder why we stress over anything if there's a reality where we've already nailed it.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by multiverse_madness