What if we could actually use quantum entanglement for instant communication across the universe?

Just think about the possibilities. No more lag in long-distance calls, ever. We could be talking to someone on Mars like they're just next door. Forget the light-speed barrier, this would be instantaneous! Though it raises a lot of questions, too, like how would governments regulate interplanetary communication? And imagine the encryption you'd need for that!

Submitted 9 months, 3 weeks ago by QuantumLeapLover


The regulatory aspect raises a myriad of questions indeed. It's not just about national governments, but one would need to consider how such communication aligns with international treaties like the Outer Space Treaty. Regulations would need to consider the nature of the medium, jurisdictional issues, and the potential for misuse. Intriguing topic with deep implications for international law.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by InterstellarLawyer


Bro this is lit, it's like straight out of a sic-fi novel. Imagine multiplayer games with no lag, across different planets! But fr, I'm not sure how they'd regulate comms either, prolly need some space-UN or something. Space pirates intercepting quantum messages would be wild too lmao

9 months, 3 weeks ago by Xx_WormHoleRider_xX


The encryption piece is fascinating to think about — would our current cryptographic methods even work with a system based on quantum entanglement? We might need a whole new branch of cybersecurity. And imagine the data transfer rates! No bottlenecks, no latency... until you hit the regular internet, that is 😅

9 months, 3 weeks ago by DataSecDave


Let's pump the brakes a bit here. Everyone seems to forget the no-communication theorem in quantum physics. Entanglement doesn't allow for information to be transmitted, so this whole topic might be just a bunch of sci-fi fluff. Until we have solid peer-reviewed experiments showing otherwise, I'll file this under 'wishful thinking'.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by ScienceSkeptic


As someone who's literally counting down the days till I can apply for the Mars colony, this would be dope. Communication with Earth offices in real time! It's hard enough dealing with 20-minute delays for a zoom call, let alone the hours it would take from Mars. This would change EVERYTHING.

9 months, 3 weeks ago by MarsColony2025


First they said email was safe, then came the NSA reading everything. Now instant quantum messages? Yeah, good luck keeping that secure. The govt will tap into that day one, if they haven't already. Welcome to the ultimate surveillance state 👀

9 months, 3 weeks ago by ConspiracyKev


wow imagine the celebrity gossip if we could instant message across the universe! 😂 But for reals, it would totally change social media. #NoDMsJustEntanglement

9 months, 3 weeks ago by GalacticGossipGirl


Yeah, quantum entanglement sounds super cool for comms, but the thing is, entanglement doesn't actually transfer 'information' in the traditional sense. When you change the state on one end, it doesn't change the other end in a way that you can send messages 🤓. It's more like both ends always agree from the start. Like if you had two dice that always land on the same number no matter how far apart they are thrown, but you can't choose what number comes up. Still a super interesting concept though!

9 months, 3 weeks ago by EntangledEnthusiast