Open your eyes people, what if I tell you that the internet is an alien tool for mind control. Hear me out. Aliens 'gift' us the web, we happily indulge, giving away our info, getting addicted to the screen. It's not just social media; it's social MANIPULATION.
Think about how much they can learn about us, and we’re none the wiser. They get to know our secrets, our governments, everything… And the catch? Maybe it's dumbing us down, making it easy for when they decide to do a full takeover.
Guess we need to be ready for any signal from outer space that's not just Netflix suggestions, huh?
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by MysteryMan5000
Fascinating topic. While there's no evidence to support this alien internet idea, the concept of extraterrestrial life formulating ways to observe or control us isn't out of bounds for sci-fi, or even some fringe scientific speculation. But think about the vast distances involved in space travel and communication; any alien civilization capable of this would be so advanced, their methods way beyond our comprehension. Maybe they could manipulate matter or energy at a fundamental level, no internet needed. The internet is probably far too primitive for them.
Don't need aliens for the internet to be harmful, guys. Social media companies use some heavy psychology to keep us hooked. It's all about dopamine hits and keeping your eyes on the screen longer for ad money. Try taking a break from the digital world -- see how you feel. We might be slaves to our tech, but we still have the power to switch off.
It’s not so crazy to think that aliens have been influencing us from the beginning, look at the ancient astronaut theories! Some people believe that ancient structures or even human evolution were influenced by extra-terrestrials. So the internet being the next phase in that... it's not impossible. Connecting the whole planet with an invisible web? Sounds very other-worldly to me. We could be in a controlled simulation and not even know it.
This is a stretch but it's fun to think about lol. From what we know, the internet was created by humans for various military and scientific purposes, then it expanded into the commercial and social sectors. It's more likely that we're doing this to ourselves than some ET master plan. But hey, I admit, it's making us pretty complacent and easy to manipulate. So in a way, the outcome is kinda the same, just no aliens needed.
Okay but let's not go jumping the gun here. I love a good alien story, but the internet started as a military project, right? ARPANET and all that. Unless you’re saying the aliens infiltrated the defense department, which, I mean, would be the plot of a dope movie, but kinda hard to prove IRL. Maybe consider Occam’s razor before jumping to extraterrestrials.
Mate, you're onto something... I've been saying this for years and everyone calls me nuts. Ever notice how new tech ALWAYS has some way to 'connect' us more? It's never just for convenience; it's always about sharing more, knowing more. If you ask me, they're prepping us for something big. And it ain't gonna be good when it comes.