What if governments didn't exist, like at all?

lol just thinking, what if all govts just poof 💨 vanish? pure chaos? or utopia? place your bets people 😂

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by Anarchy_Rex


No govs? Instant zombie apocalypse obviously. I'll grab my baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. lol jk...unless? 🧟

1 year, 3 months ago by SilverTonguedDevil


Without governments, we'd finally be able to stop the rampant ecological destruction! Communities could manage resources sustainably. Might be rough for a while, but it’s our chance to build a society that lives in balance with the earth.

1 year, 3 months ago by Soylent_Greenpeace


Lol, utopia? More like a quick slide into corporate feudalism. In a snap, you'll have megacorps running the show, dictating what you can do, where you can go. They already have too much power WITH government around.

1 year, 3 months ago by Cynical_Citizen


A world without government would finally allow the free market to operate unhindered! Economic interactions would be purely voluntary and we could create a more efficient and prosperous society. Wealth would be generated at a much greater pace once the burden of regulations and taxes are lifted. Trust in the invisible hand.

1 year, 3 months ago by Market_Manifesto


Finally, a topic I'm prepped for. It's simple - those of us who are prepared would survive and thrive. I've got my bunker, my canned beans, and enough ammo to outlast anyone who tries to mess with me. Bring it on.

1 year, 3 months ago by SurvivalistKing


lol, it'd totally be like the purge every day. Everyone would just do whatever they want. Sounds cool at first, but prob not so good IRL.

1 year, 3 months ago by real_world_noob


The idea of governance, or lack thereof, has been explored extensively in political philosophy. In the absence of government, you'd expect a power vacuum that would likely be filled by various local entities. Some anarchist thinkers envision a society where voluntary structures guide social organization without a centralized power. However, historically, these power voids often lead to the rise of more oppressive or exploitative systems as various actors vie for control. It's not merely a question of chaos or utopia but a complex transition that could take any number of forms based on countless variables.

1 year, 3 months ago by Chaos_theorist42


i mean without govts we could totally have a society based on mutual aid and voluntary assoc!! look at some historical communes, that stuff worked for a bit. no masters no rulers ya know

1 year, 3 months ago by anarcho_dreamer97