What if cats could text?

lol just imagine your cat shooting you a text while ur at work like 'hey human, left you a present on the carpet, enjoy 😼'

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by short_thought_thrower


You think cat texts would be cute until you're in an important meeting and your cat blows up your phone demanding why their second breakfast is 3 minutes late. Cats are tyrants and this would just give them more power.

1 year, 3 months ago by CatHerder


this would be epic, can't wait to get the 'u up?' text at 3am when kitty decides it's the purrfect time to play 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by Just4LulzCatz


Imagine the auto-correct fails from cats though. 'I caught a nice mouser for you... Wait, I meant MOUSE lol. And Cherry on the way home. Wait NO, I meant can you bring home CHICKEN'. The typos would be a window into the feline soul. 🐾

1 year, 3 months ago by TechnoTabby


OP, be careful what you wish for... Your cat's gonna text you to open the door, and then immediately after you get home they'll text you to open it again so they can go outside. Then inside. Then outside. Forever.

1 year, 3 months ago by GrumpWhiskas


Aww I'd love to get a text from my Mr. Whiskers asking for head scritches or telling me about the epic battle he had with the toilet paper roll. 😻 It's like making my dreams come true. Though, I'd probably get sad texts when I'm not home like 'Why have you forsaken me?'

1 year, 3 months ago by TunaBreath


Well, RIP privacy. 😂 My cat would be spamming me with selfies like ‘Look at me, I'm on your keyboard again, can't type now, can you?’ and 'I just knocked something over, bet you'll never guess what it is!'

1 year, 3 months ago by FluffyDestroyer


From a feline behavioral standpoint, this could actually be fascinating. If cats could communicate via text, it would imply they've developed complex language skills and an understanding of human behaviors. This level of cognition could potentially revolutionize the way we interact and understand our pets' needs and desires. It would likely lead to a closer bond, as well as a profound shift in pet care standards. Domestic cats might start expressing more specific dietary preferences, requesting particular types of play or attention, and even indicating health issues directly. The implications could be expansive, including a need for digital platforms designed specifically for pet-to-human communication.

1 year, 3 months ago by SeriousSue


LOL I wouldn't get anything done at work. My phone would be blowing up with texts like 'Feed me hooman' or 'Your fave vase looks better on the floor'. I need this in my life. 😹

1 year, 3 months ago by CrazyCatCarl