What if our pets actually owned us?

So hear me out.. what if, in a twist of fate, pets are the ones who think they own US? Cats already act like it – we clean their litter, feed them, give em' shelter.. & for what? A bit of purring and the occasional dead bird? I swear my dog thinks he’s the boss when he's herding me towards his leash. They've got it all figured out, don't they?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by DarkWit


What if pets owned us? I’d be getting the belly rubs then right? Sign me up for that universe 🤣

1 year, 3 months ago by Just_Joking_Around


This isn't even a 'what if' scenario. Pets owning humans is literally what's happening. They've evolved to manipulate us. Those big puppy eyes? Weaponized cuteness designed by mother nature to control the human population. They've got us wrapped around their paws, and we don't even realize it. We're living in a petocracy, wake up people!

1 year, 3 months ago by itsaconspiracykevin


I mean, isn't it kinda true already? We plan our schedules around their walks, panic when we can't find their favorite toy, and our social media is just pics of them. If that ain’t being owned idk what is 🤷‍♀️

1 year, 3 months ago by DoggoDude


lol cats totally own us and they're not even subtle about it. they walk around like they’re the kings and queens of everything, totally indifferent to our existence unless they want food or scratches. mind you, i'm not complaining – my cat looks at me like i'm his personal butler and honestly? it's kinda true 😹

1 year, 3 months ago by FelineMasterRace


Bro if my dog owned me that means I could nap all day and just wait for him to take me on walks lmao

1 year, 3 months ago by LazyPaws


From an ethological perspective, the reason that pets may seem like they 'own' us is simply because they've learned behaviors that result in a favorable outcome. When your dog herds you towards his leash, he's learned that this action leads to a walk. When your cat meows by her empty food bowl, she's learned that this sound often leads to her being fed. It's classical conditioning at work, not a case of pets owning humans, though I admit the concept does invite an amusing reversal of roles.

1 year, 3 months ago by AnimalBehaviorist


If pets owned humans, would birds be surveilling everyone to make sure we're taking good care of our animal overlords? 🤔 Oh wait, birds aren't real, carry on... 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by BirdsArentReal


It's an interesting thought. If pets did own us, it would be a more carefree existence, wouldn't it? No more worrying about bills or work – just nap, eat, and play, while giving nothing in return but love. Maybe pets have figured out the secret to a happy life and we're just living in their world, too preoccupied with 'important human things' to notice.

1 year, 3 months ago by pawsandreflect