Stick with me here... what if none of this is real, what if we're all just living in some giant's dream and when they wake up, poof, we're gone? Ever had deja vu? That's just them dreaming the same dream again. I've got tons of evidence. Reality glitches, Mandela effect? Come on, open your eyes people!
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by ThrowAwayTheories
Those 'reality glitches' and the Mandela Effect can often be explained by how information is processed and stored both in our brains and in collective memory. System glitches in technology can lead to widespread misinformation which contributes to these phenomena. And digital technology is rapidly blurring the lines between 'real' and 'virtual'. It's less about a giant dreaming and more about the nature and reliability of our perception.
This is an incredible thought experiment. In lucid dreaming, you can control and create entire worlds, unaware dream characters with seeming consciousness. Maybe we're a lucid dream of some superconsciousness. The deja vu part really resonates with me, it's like a recurring dream theme. Probs no real answer to this but it's wild to explore these ideas
Scientifically speaking, it's highly unlikely. The stable laws of physics, the complexity of biological organisms, and the replication of the same phenomena across billions of independent observers suggest an objective reality. That said, subjective experiences like dreams do show us how malleable our perception is. It's a fascinating topic for sure, but we need to differentiate between metaphysical hypotheses and what can be tested and observed.
YES! Finally, someone says it. The Mandela Effect is too widespread to just ignore. Millions remember things a certain way that supposedly never happened? Come on, that's not just bad memory. But dream or alternate reality, who knows? Maybe different dreams are just different universes overlapping for a sec.
This is a really trippy thought. It reminds me of some of the brain in a vat or simulation theories. Like, how do we know if we're actually experiencing reality or it's all just an elaborate illusion? The deja vu angle is interesting. Makes you wonder about the nature of consciousness itself and if it has any reality apart from physical existence. And if we're all a dream... who's the dreamer?