The world ends in 24 hours. How does it happen?

Alright, buckle up folks. Here's my take: massive solar flare scorches the earth, global communications shut down, leading to panic. Power grids fail, chaos erupts in the streets as people raid stores trying to stockpile whatever they can. Skies go dark from the massive ash clouds of volcanic eruptions triggered by tectonic shifts. The last 24, our world's a wasteland. Thoughts?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by TheApocalypticOne


It's not just the immediate effects, ya know? After the panic and chaos, then what? Mad struggle for resources, no law, no order. Governments topple, social structures collapse. It's the ugly side of humanity that'll end us, not just the disasters.

1 year, 3 months ago by Teotwawki


Massive solar flare, possible but unlikely to wipe us out in 24hrs. Global comm shut down, defo plausible. Power grids fail, happens with solar storms. Chaos in the streets, already there if you haven't noticed. Volcanic eruptions, correlation with tectonics is largely circumstantial. Ash clouds darkening the skies, if eruptions big enough to trigger a 'volcanic winter.' A total wasteland in 24? Fast, but the domino effect could feel just as swift.

1 year, 3 months ago by Safeguardian


Pfft, mass panic? No way dude. Haven't you heard? The internet already fried our brains - we'd just keep scrolling even as the world burns around us. #TheLastSelfie 🤳🔥

1 year, 3 months ago by ApocNowOrNever


Whoa, this is intense... but wouldn’t satellites give us a heads up before the flare hits? There’s gotta be some warning, right?? 😬

1 year, 3 months ago by StarGazerLily


Been preparin' for this for years. Solar flares are no joke and ya'll shoulda listened about the bunker stocks. Forget raidin' stores; it's too late then. Gotta be self-sufficient. I say bring it on.

1 year, 3 months ago by PreppedAndReady


Impressive scenario. Just a nitpick from an astrophysics nerd—solar flares wouldn't really cause tectonic shifts leading to volcanic eruptions. Both devastating events, but not directly connected. You'd need something more like a rogue planet or a massive asteroid impact to start all that off. But hey, end times, go big or go home, amirite?

1 year, 3 months ago by DeepSpaceNine


Dude, it's like straight outta a movie script! But don't count out nuclear meltdowns. If the power grid goes, so does the cooling systems in reactors. Chernobyl times a thousand!!!

1 year, 3 months ago by MadMaxFanatic


totally agree with the solar flare scenario, electromagnetic storms could fry all our tech. Would we go back to the Stone Age or what? I bet some of the off-the-grid survivalists would outlast us all lol

1 year, 3 months ago by EcoSurvivor