What if gravity just stopped for like a second?

idk kinda random but what if gravity just stopped for a sec and then came back? would we all just float away or something or would it be like when u hit a speed bump too fast in your car?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by alternatePenguin


Not sure if serious, but if gravity stopped, even for a split second, who knows what kinda government tech is being tested. Could open black holes, spawn time paradoxes, or worse, delay my pizza delivery!

1 year, 3 months ago by TinFoilHatsRUs


This is some Star Trek anti-gravity tech waiting to happen! Imagine the pranks you could pull if you could turn off gravity at will. Although, seriously speaking, for just a second you probably wouldn't notice much. But now I'm just waiting for someone to write the episode where this actually happens lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by DeepSpaceNineFan


Realistically speaking, one second is so quick you wouldn't float away. It's like when you jump; you go up then right back down. So, for a split second, everything not anchored might lift off slightly, then crash right back down. Would make for a funny moment if everyone's mid-stride and just gets a mini moment of weightlessness.

1 year, 3 months ago by PracticalPatty


Jokes on gravity, I'm already laying in bed!

1 year, 3 months ago by BumperStickerBandit


Dude, if gravity stopped even for like a second, we'd be in a world of hurt. Buildings, planes, cars, everything that's not tied down would get messed up bad. It'd be like a worldwide earthquake kinda thing 'cause when gravity kicks back in, all that stuff that went up has gotta come back down. Hope your head's not in the way when it does lol.

1 year, 3 months ago by ApocalypseWhen


Imagine playing basketball and mid-jump gravity stops. Best slam dunk ever amirite?

1 year, 3 months ago by RandomThoughts32


Okay, let's get a bit technical here. Gravity isn't just a force that keeps us on the ground; it's what gives us our entire structure of time and space as we understand it. If gravity ceased even for a second, there is a chance that the fabric of spacetime would be affected. But narrowly speaking about our immediate physical experience, objects at rest would stay at rest, and objects in motion would continue in motion as per Newton's first law. Meaning if you're jumping when it happens, you'd continue upwards, and if you're running, you'd continue in that direction at the same speed till gravity comes back. Now, what would be quite catastrophic is the effect on anything in orbit, including satellites – they could potentially leave orbit or crash back to Earth.

1 year, 3 months ago by PhysicsNerd1990


If gravity stopped even for just a sec, we would all jump a bit cuz there's nothing holding us down. But remember Earth is moving around the sun super fast, like 1000 miles per hour fast, so we'd be slightly thrown sideways rather than straight up. Wouldn't be enough to send us flying into space though, so don't worry about needing a spacesuit! lol

1 year, 3 months ago by ZeroG4Dayz