what if your pets could understand everything u say for a day

ya know, just something that hit me while talking to my cat. what if, for a single day, our pets just got every word we said. would they be cool or totally freak out about all the weird stuff we tell them? idk might be cool, might be a disaster lol.

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by random_thinkr


LOL imagine ur pet parrot spillin all your secrets the next day cause it understood it all and remembered. RIP privacy 😂

1 year, 3 months ago by animalchaos


Been around cats my whole life and I'm pretty sure understanding me would just confirm to my cat that she's the superior being in the house, which she already suspects. Still, it'd be a unique chance to work out some ground rules about scratching furniture and nighttime zoomies.

1 year, 3 months ago by WhiskerWizard


Does this include fish? Because I'm not sure my goldfish can handle the deep existential convos I have with it while cleaning the tank.

1 year, 3 months ago by AquaticAnonymous


birds are already too smart for their own good, they’d probably just be extra judgmental for that one day lol

1 year, 3 months ago by birdbrain_101


omg, yes! i would apologize for stepping on her tail that one time and explain it was an accident 🥺

1 year, 3 months ago by FurryFrenzy


It's an intriguing thought. On one hand, it's a beautiful opportunity for deeper bonding and understanding. We could explain so many things, like why we leave them alone sometimes (it's not because we don't love them!). On the other hand, it could potentially be traumatic. Our pets have no concept of many aspects of human life and might be overwhelmed or confused by our complexity. Things we take for granted, like our work or our relationships, are foreign to them. Not to mention the potential ethical implications. Once they understand, would it be right to take that away?

1 year, 3 months ago by Paws4Thought


My dog would def use the chance to negotiate better treats and more park time, lol. Long as they forget everything the next day, I’m good with it. Can you imagine the blackmail material? 😆

1 year, 3 months ago by theREALdoggo


haha would be epic for one day tbh. My cat probably has some serious tea to spill about me XD. Id imagine he'd be chilling and just be like 'so, about those vet trips... not cool bro, not cool.'

1 year, 3 months ago by catwhisperer88