It's a concept straight out of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Each time we come to a crossroads and make a choice, an alternate universe comes into existence where the opposite decision was made. Innumerable universes containing every conceivable outcome. Even as you're reading this, universes are birthed where you ignore this post. Does free will exist if every choice is simultaneously taken and not taken?
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by AlternateRealities
There's a lot to unpack here. Yes, the many-worlds interpretation is fascinating, but it's still theoretical. The existence of parallel universes isn't something we can currently prove or disprove. It doesn't necessarily negate the concept of free will, though. Even if every choice leads to a different universe, you're still making a choice in this one, and that's what counts for you as an individual. What happens in another universe is irrelevant to your experience.
This really begs the question of determinism vs free will. If every possibility occurs, it seems like we're not choosing at all. Our 'choices' are just an illusion because they happen anyway in some alternate reality. That kind of universe sounds predestined, scripted out already...
Whoa, you just blew my mind with that take! But think about it, if every choice we don't make spawns a new universe, just imagine the cosmic scale of that! Our daily decisions like, what to eat, or which sock to put on first could lead to infinite universes. It's hard to grasp but super cool to think about!