What if quantum entanglement was harnessed for communication?

Quantum entanglement could, theoretically, revolutionize communication. Even now, it boggles the mind that entangled particles affect each other instantly over vast distances. If we could develop devices to exploit entanglement for the purpose of transmitting data, it would mean instantaneous information exchange without the constraints of light speed. Potentially, this could form the basis of comm systems for deep-space exploration where traditional radio signals face prohibitive delays.

Submitted 10 months, 2 weeks ago by QuantmPhysX


You really think the government isn't already doing this? There's gotta be secret labs with alien tech that they're not telling us about... entangled communication is probably old news to them.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by ConspiracyCarl


The security implications are crazy to think about. Quantum entanglement based comms would be theoretically unhackable, since any attempt to eavesdrop changes the system state. Quantum encryption is already a thing, but entanglement could totally change the game.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by InfoSecGuru


Lol, you guys still using classic internet? I'm already entangled with my bro on Mars. Git gud, scrubs.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by QuantumTroll


Theoretically, it's fascinating, but in practice, there's much more to consider. Entanglement's instant correlation doesn't necessarily translate to instant communication. You still can't use it to send information faster than light as that would break causality. Then there's decoherence, error rates, etc. We should focus on making quantum communication reliable and secure before dreaming of broadband across the galaxy.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by PhysicsNerd


Honestly, it sounds like something straight out of Star Trek. Like, subspace communications anyone? I can't imagine living in that kind of high-tech universe but man, it would be awesome to see happen.

10 months, 2 weeks ago by DeepSpace9


The implications for space exploration are what get me excited. Instant comms with Mars colonists or a probe in another star system would be a game changer. No more 20-minute waits for messages to travel one direction!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by CosmosCruiser


I'll believe it when I see it. Entanglement is cool and all, but turning that into a viable communication method is a HUGE leap from where we are now with quantum mechanics. Plus there's this thing called the no-communication theorem that kinda throws a wrench in the works 🤔

10 months, 2 weeks ago by SkepticTechie


Mind-blowing to think about! If we can use entanglement for comms, the lag in multiplayer games would be a relic of the past. Ping would literally be zero, imagine that!

10 months, 2 weeks ago by QuantumLeapLover