I was daydreaming (again lol), about being able to just zap to any place in a heartbeat. No more traffic, no plane rides. Morning coffee in Paris, lunch on a beach in Hawaii and watching the Northern Lights for dessert. But then, what if everyone could do it? Traffic might not exist but imagine the queues at the Eiffel Tower, lol.
Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by dreamytraveler
I think instantly teleporting anywhere could revolutionize society on a fundamental level. Like, good luck to national borders when folks can just pop over to another country anytime they like! And are passports a thing of the past? Man, just when you start to really consider the implications, your head explodes with the ramifications. Then again, imagine the server lag but IRL if everyone tried to teleport to the same hot spot... yikes!
Big sci-fi buff here, and this sounds like something straight out of Star Trek! But it raises questions, man. Like, what happens to cars, airplanes, and all those industries if no one needs them anymore? The economic repercussions would be insane.
Wow, imagine the possibilities! Could finally visit all the seven wonders in like, what, seven minutes flat? But I guess if everyone could do this we'd have to have some serious crowd control or it'd be chaos, with people popping in and out everywhere haha.
I would go to the USA without a visa. I could imagine if teleporters were everywhere, I would go to America.
Imagine terrorists and criminals teleporting wherever. No thanks. Gonna need more than dreams to sort that mess out. There's also the economy to think about. Tourism industries would collapse if the landmarks are overcrowded. Small towns destroyed by unchecked influx of tourists. It's chaos.
nah, you're all missin the point. if we can teleport, no borders can stop the free movement of peeps. It'd be a new era with no visa stuff, world citizens, yknow? No more countries keeping ppl out. everyone could explore every inch of the world. Utopian, maybe, but let a person dream lol
You do realize that if teleportation were that accessible, governments would step in real quick. There'd be some kind of teleportation registration or tracking system in no time. Big Brother would definitely want to watch where everyone's popping off to. It's not just about visas; it'd be about global surveillance on a scale we've never seen.