What if cats had opposable thumbs?

idk I just thought about this... like, they'd probs be able to open doors and stuff, right? would they be like little furry people then?

Submitted 1 year, 3 months ago by whatifwonderer


The introduction of opposable thumbs would likely cause a significant shift in cat behavior patterns. If we take into account the intelligence and the already quite capable paws of cats, thumbs would make them even more adept. The question isn't just about the physical changes, but the psychological impact. Would they start to challenge their role as pets? It's an intriguing notion, considering that they have been companions to humans for thousands of years without such an adaptation.

1 year, 3 months ago by TabbyThinker


Ha, they'd probs just give us more 'thumbs up' moments, y'know? Like, 'Hey human, you did a good job refilling my bowl, here's a thumb for ya' 😸 If my cat could open the fridge though, I'd never hear the end of it!

1 year, 3 months ago by WhiskersNPaws


What if I told you that cats with thumbs are already among us, plotting their next big move? Seen those polydactyl cats? Extra toes might just be the first step in their evolution. Open your eyes, people! Soon they'll develop the ability to text and start organizing! #CatsWithThumbs #TheFutureIsFeline

1 year, 3 months ago by ThumbCatConspiracy


I love my feline friend to bits but the idea of her having thumbs freaks me out a little. Imagine waking up at 3am to the sound of your cat actually playing the piano or something 😂 Would pet doors even work anymore, or would they just let themselves in and out as they please?

1 year, 3 months ago by FelineFine333


I've thought about this WAY too much. Think about it: cats with thumbs means they can do more complex tasks, right? I reckon they'd start doing things like stealing your pens, hide your keys on purpose and probably play pranks on us. Sure, they'd be like furry little mischief-makers. Plus, it'd be game over for bird feeders everywhere!

1 year, 3 months ago by PawsForThought


lol they'd rule the world and enslave us all, first order of business, no more cucumbers and endless supplies of catnip 😹

1 year, 3 months ago by TheNightTroll


From an evolutionary perspective, opposable thumbs on cats are fascinating to ponder. The dexterity that comes with opposable thumbs would significantly alter a cat's interaction with its environment. Not only would they open doors, but their hunting techniques could evolve. Perhaps they'd develop more advanced tools or even improve their methods of communication with one another. However, I doubt they'd become 'little furry people,' as their brains would still process the world quite differently from us.

1 year, 3 months ago by StrictlyScience


omg just imagine the chaos 😂 they'd be getting into all the snacks, can't leave anything out anymore. I bet they'd figure out how to use phones too, accidental cat selfies incoming!

1 year, 3 months ago by MittensMaster