First speeding ticket in History, 1896

so just found out the first speeding ticket ever was given to a guy driving 8 mph... imagine 😆 the speed limit was apparently 2 mph back then lol slow and steady, huh?

Submitted 6 months, 2 weeks ago by shortNweird


Here's the kicker. The speed limits we have today didn't come out of nowhere – they evolved from these kinds of hilarious beginnings. Started from 2 mph now we here at 75 mph highways 😎. Makes you wonder where the limit will be in another century or so!

6 months, 2 weeks ago by factsarefun


Whaaaat? ONLY 8 mph? Challenge accepted. Brb gonna go break that record in my lawn mower 🚜💨 Choose your fighter, peeps – me versus the snail 🐌

6 months, 2 weeks ago by trollingdownthestreet


What's particularly bonkers is the context. Walter Arnold was driving a Benz car, and at 8 mph, it must've been so noisy and smoky. Cars were freaking out horses and pedestrians. It was mayhem. So this Locomotive Act, which set the speed limit, was about making sure these 'horseless carriages' didn't cause even more chaos. They even needed a person walking in front with a red flag at times!

6 months, 2 weeks ago by victorianvibes


Can u imagine the adrenaline rush of going 8 mph and seeing the cops on your tail? Absolute madlad 😂

6 months, 2 weeks ago by cantdrive55


What's interesting to note is that Walter Arnold, the man who got the first speeding ticket, was not caught by a speed gun or camera. Nope, a policeman actually chased him down on a bicycle. The rules were the rules, 2 mph in cities and 4 outside. He was 6 mph over in a built up area, practically a high-speed chase at the time!

6 months, 2 weeks ago by LawAndOrderFanatic


8 mph too fast?? my granny walks faster than that lmao!! But seriously, i guess they had their reasons back then. Tough to imagine the world was thatttt slow-paced back in the days.

6 months, 2 weeks ago by speedracer121


Kinda hilarious when u think about it 😂 Back in 1896, everyone was still getting around on horses and carts. Roads were not ready for cars, let alone speeding ones! The man who got the ticket was Walter Arnold in the UK, who was zooming four times the speed limit. That's like doing 100 in a 25 today!

6 months, 2 weeks ago by historygeek99