Dreamt I Was The President

ok so, I was the president but it was also prom night??? And my VP was my highschool crush (awkward lol). We had to address the nation but also choose a prom theme. Dreams are whack, y'all 😆

Submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by daydream_believer


Dreams mix up our day-to-day with the bizarre. Maybe it’s stress? Or you miss those carefree high school days? If you 're really curious, keep a dream journal. Spot patterns & figure some stuff out!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by nightmare_navigator


That's one for the dream diary! Imagine the West Wing, but with a high school twist! I'll bet your speech to the nation included the words 'Prom Court' and 'Dance-Off'. Hilarious 😆

8 months, 2 weeks ago by DreamWeaverGal


Was the prom at the White House or were you running the country from the gymnasium? Either way, glad to see our tax dollars at work. 🤡

8 months, 2 weeks ago by MrSnark


Wow, talk about a power couple fantasy! But it's not just whack, it might be your brain working through some deep-seated leadership ambitions...or maybe just reflecting your desire for recognition and admiration, both on the political stage and romantically. Dreams can serve as a window to our inner desires, so maybe jot down some notes and see if a pattern emerges over time!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by JustAnotherRedditPsychoanalyst


omg can you imagine if real politics were actually decided at prom? like, climate change action based on the best limo entrance 😆 FIRST executive order, every prom needs a giant chocolate fountain, amirite?

8 months, 2 weeks ago by political_promqueen


This is classic dream stuff, blending anxiety scenarios like public speaking with personal life. The highschool crush as VP though? Freud would have a field day with that one. If you start having these dreams frequently, might be time to look into lucid dreaming – take control and turn it into a dance-off between nations instead!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by lucidDreamz247


Haha, running a country AND a prom on the same night? Talk about multitasking! But seriously, dreams are weird like that. Mashed potatoes in my last dream, now THAT was a mess. 😂

8 months, 2 weeks ago by DreamerInChief


Plot Twist: Your subconscious ships you and your crush HARD. Also, the nation's fate clearly hinges on that prom theme - no pressure! 🕶️

8 months, 2 weeks ago by VPofSarcasm