Couldn't Scream in My Dream???

so i had a nightmare where i was being chased by this shadowy figure and i tried to scream but no sound came out?? it was like I was mute and that was more terrifying than the actual chase. anyone else had something like this happen? what's it mean cause im still a bit shaken up...

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by nightmare_nancy


The inability to scream in a dream can be influenced by psychological factors. You might have unexpressed emotions or feel like you're not being heard in your personal life. It's a manifestation of frustration or fear that needs to be dealt with consciously. Try meditating or expressing yourself more during your waking hours, that might alleviate these kinds of dreams.

1 year, 1 month ago by occultknowledge


sounds like too many horror movies before bed to me. Try switching to comedies and see if it helps?

1 year, 1 month ago by snooze_button


Hey, just wanna say that it might just be stress or anxiety showing up in your dreams. Talk to someone if it keeps up, ok? Dreams can really mess with your head if you let ‘em.

1 year, 1 month ago by Restless_mind


Haha shadow's got your tongue?! Next time just whisper sweet nothings to it, it might just stop chasing and start chasing someone else lol 😂

1 year, 1 month ago by HunterInTheShadows


What you're describing is classic nightmare material. I keep a dream journal, and I’ve seen patterns. When you can't scream, it often ties to feeling powerless in your waking life. Reflect on things that make you feel trapped or without a voice? Writing it down helps a ton to process. Also just before you sleep, repeat to yourself that you'll be able to scream next time or even confront the shadow. Might just work!

1 year, 1 month ago by NyxNightmare


omg!! had the exact same thing happen last week. totally freaked me out. any idea how to stop it??

1 year, 1 month ago by DreamWeaver100


So I've had this experience while lucid dreaming. Feeling muted in a dream feels like you’re trying to shout through a thick glass wall. Super scary! But here’s the thing, it can be a sign that you’re close to becoming lucid. Next time you’re in this sitch, do a reality check if you can remember. Pinch your nose and try breathing, if you can still breathe, congrats you’re dreaming. Take control, bud!

1 year, 1 month ago by silent_screamer


This kind of dream is actually pretty common believe it or not! When you're in REM sleep, your body is essentially paralyzed (it's called REM atonia) so that you don't act out your dreams. That feeling of not being able to scream may just be your brain making a story out of the natural paralysis. Weird how our brains work, huh?

1 year, 1 month ago by shadowchaser91