Loll flying spaghetti monster in my dream??

aight so last night i saw flying spaghetti monster, no kidding, it was raining meatballs n all, i think my head's telling me to lay off the Italian food XD or maybe i just found a new deity to worship, R'Amen, brothers and sisters hahaha

Submitted 1 year ago by chad_dreamlord


I see what you did there with 'R'Amen' and I'm here for it! 😂 Maybe you're onto something divine. May the sauce be with you, always.

1 year ago by Ramen_rAmen


That's trippy AF! Did you feel any different when you woke up? Sometimes the weirdest dreams have the biggest impact on our mood or decisions for days after. Write it down, might be interesting to look back on it later!

1 year ago by DreamWeaver3000


Flying Spaghetti Monster, really? Sounds like the Italian food is getting to your head, tbh. Maybe try mixing up your diet with something other than pasta and meatballs.

1 year ago by SkepticalSue


Honestly, dreaming of the Flying Spaghetti Monster seems like a sign that you need MORE Italian food in your life, not less. Ever tried making homemade pasta? 💯

1 year ago by ChefBoyardeeFan


u sure it wasn't just a hangry dream right before midnight snack time? lol maybe ya should start counting flying meatballs instead of sheep to fall asleep.

1 year ago by CarbOverload


Dreams about deity-like figures can often represent a desire for guidance or a higher power in your life. The FSM raining meatballs might imply abundance and success coming your way. Take it with a grain of salt though—or maybe some parmesan, in your case! 😂

1 year ago by DreamDecoderDan


LMAO, the Flying Spaghetti Monster has blessed you with His Noodly Appendage through your dreams. Embrace the holy meatballs! May you be touched by His noodly goodness. R'Amen!

1 year ago by PastafarianPete