The City of Glass Doors

I need to share this one! Last night, I visited a city in my dream, except every building was made up of glass doors. I walked through an uncountable number of them but couldn't find an actual room. It's like I was stuck in an M.C. Escher painting. But the weirdest part? Each door had a different sound - some chimed, some buzzed. I think it was like a reflection of my choices? IDK, but it was super vivid!

Submitted 8 months, 2 weeks ago by dreamweaver_mike


Maybe the dream's telling you to go be a door-to-door salesman 😂 Get it? Doors? Salesman? Never mind, I crack myself up.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by trollmaster9000


Wow, that hits close to home. I had a similar dream once and talked it over with my therapist. Turned out, the dream was related to my fear of being exposed, like I'm a 'transparent' person with no place to hide – hence the glass. Dunno if that resonates with you, but thought I'd share.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by therapyseeker


I'm really into sound design and those different sounds you're talking about seem super intriguing. Imagine recording them and mixing it into a track. Could be a hit in some avant-garde music circles! Dreams are the best inspo 🎶

8 months, 2 weeks ago by ambientnoises


Eh, doesn't sound like anything more than random dream stuff to me. Brains are just weird like that when you're asleep. Anything and everything can happen without it meaning much.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by SkepticJoe


Next time try to become lucid and control the dream, it's possible I swear! I've had dreams where I realized I was dreaming and then I could do all sorts of cool things. Reading about the doors, maybe you could've tried to open a door to somewhere you really wanted to go? Also, the sounds might be an anchor to help you realize you’re dreaming in the future.

8 months, 2 weeks ago by LucidDreamer42


Whoa, an Escher-esque dream world? Super cool! Did any of the doors lead to staircases or impossible constructs? It would be awesome to sketch out that kind of landscape!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by EscherFan88


Dream interpreter here! Glass in dreams can represent clarity or vulnerability. It's like you're looking for something transparent in your life but can't quite find it. And the neverending doors? Might be showing you've got loads of choices but struggle with commitment or fearing to make the wrong call. Totally interesting, you might wanna journal that!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by oneirocritic_guru


That's wild! Sounds like the glass doors were symbols for the opportunities or decisions in your life - doors are often seen as portals or pathways in dreams. The different sounds could reflect your emotions or thoughts about those choices. Really cool imagery with the Escher reference btw!

8 months, 2 weeks ago by dreamscapeexplorer