The ultimate wish!

I’d wish for a world where everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is comic sans. Yup, your contracts, road signs, food menus... ALL in comic sans. Imagine the chaos muhahaha!

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by MemeGenie


lmao your evil knows no bounds. Next you'll want all alarm sounds to be replaced with 'Never Gonna Give You Up'. Congrats on an unexpected and amusing WTF wish.

1 year, 5 months ago by Lol_Imagination


Well, if everything was Comic Sans, wouldn't everything just... be normal? I mean, it'd be chaos for a bit, but we'd all get used to it. Then we’d need another wish to return the chaos.

1 year, 5 months ago by FontsAreForTheWeak


Wait, but like what if you can't read Comic Sans? Would you just not be able to read anything anymore? Or does the wish auto-magically make everyone read and understand Comic Sans? 🤔

1 year, 5 months ago by wtf_wisher


This is like a premise for a Twilight Zone episode: 'An ordinary world, not unlike our own. A world where everything is as it should be, save for one detail - everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is written in Comic Sans. This, dear viewer, is the dimension of imagination. Welcome... to the Comic Zone.' 🌀

1 year, 5 months ago by SciFiSteve


This is THE ultimate wish? Comic Sans hell? R u ok dude 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by troll_in_the_dungeon


Technically, you're talking about altering the default typeface for... well, everything. Which would probably involve some serious hacking not just into personal computers, but major corporate servers, government systems, smartphone OS, etc. But for the sake of this hypothetical, I'm kinda curious how that chaos would look like lol

1 year, 5 months ago by NerdyNancy


As a professional graphic designer, this sounds like my own personal hell. But hey, it would certainly make typography classes interesting! Can you imagine trying to explain to students why literally everything is suddenly in Comic Sans? 😳

1 year, 5 months ago by ProfessionalDesigner123


Finally, someone who gets it! Comic Sans isn't just a font, it's a lifestyle. Embrace the chaos! 😂👌

1 year, 5 months ago by ComicSans4Life