The Psychology Behind Bizarre Wishes

Taken at face value, the absurdity of wishes posted here can be dismissed as just innocent fun or, in some cases, an outright lack of creativity. Dig a little deeper, however, and you may just uncover a psychological treasure trove.

Case in point: 'I wish I had a third hand so I could play video games and eat at the same time.' Looks silly, right? But in psychology, this is a classic wish-fulfillment dream, representing a desire for multi-tasking and efficiency.

But what about even weirder wishes? 'I wish all birds would explode into confetti when they hit a window.' Sounds horrifying, and perhaps a little hilarious, but could represent a deep-seated anxiety about death and a wish to turn something potentially depressing into something festive and fun instead.

Always remember, no matter how odd a wish might seem, there's usually something more lurking beneath the surface. Happy wish-analyzing, folks!

Submitted 1 year, 5 months ago by psychmajor2005


I once wished for every raindrop to change color based on my mood. Not sure what that says about me... possibly that I've been watching too many cartoons! 🌈

1 year, 5 months ago by WeirdWisher


This subreddit is awesome, but now I'm gonna be overthinking every bizarre wish I come across! 😄

1 year, 5 months ago by MoreWishesPls


Nah, sometimes a weird wish is just a weird wish mate. No deep analysis needed.

1 year, 5 months ago by BluntTruths101


Interesting stuff. Never thought about strange wishes that way. I did laugh at the exploding bird though. Sorry, I know it’s supposed to be deep but c'mon 😂

1 year, 5 months ago by YamNotSweetPotato


It's quite fascinating to delve into the psychoanalytical aspect of our seemingly frivolous wishes. For instance, take the standard 'I wish I could read minds.' Such a desire could be indicative of a deep-seated insecurity about trust, or perhaps an insatiable curiosity, or even a will to dominate and control others. This intersection of psychology and wishful thinking opens up a rather interesting dimension of our subconscious mind.

1 year, 5 months ago by ResearchNerd


I wish my roommate would turn into a fridge filled with my favorite snacks... Does that mean there's 'something lurking beneath the surface' or maybe I just really dislike him and like snacks? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

1 year, 5 months ago by RoastMetoastem


So you're saying me wishing to be able to teleport anywhere in the world is a subconscious cry for freedom or a representation of desire to escape reality? Interesting... or maybe I just hate long haul flights.

1 year, 5 months ago by NotAPsychic


Damn... I wished that I could turn water into beer with my touch. No more paying for drinks, right? But now I'm worried what deep-seated psychological issues I could have. 🍻😱

1 year, 5 months ago by iWish4Socks