Missing the old Silverlight days

RIP Silverlight, you were too pure for this world. UWP just isn't the same. Every time I see that blank exception I get war flashbacks to simpler times. Maybe it's the nostalgia goggles but DAE feel like things were just... smoother back then?

Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by NullPtrException


I feel you. To me, writing XAML on Silverlight was smoother than anything UWP offers. I miss the days of easily whipping up a cool UI with minimal fuss. And those Silverlight animations were just chef's kiss. Now there's all this overhead with UWP, and it's like you need to dedicate half your time to just not breaking things. Sometimes I open up an old Silverlight project just to reminisce. #TheGoodOldDays

1 year, 2 months ago by XAMLover


Silverlight? More like NeverRight 😂 Who’s even talking about that dinosaur anymore? Get with the times or go back to your cave, grandpa 🦕

1 year, 2 months ago by TrollMaster3000


UWP's got a steeper learning curve, not gonna lie. Miss the drag 'n' drop days of Silverlight. It's like every update we get just adds three new ways to shoot yourself in the foot lol. But hey, guess we gotta roll with it, right?

1 year, 2 months ago by Just_Another_Coder


Struggling with blank exceptions? Stack traces are your friend. Learn to dig into those and half of your UWP gripes will vanish. Yeah it’s a maze somedays but once you get the patterns down it’s just another day at the office. Also, StackOverflow is your bestie for UWP woes. Silverlight had its time, but the tech moves on for a reason.

1 year, 2 months ago by DebuggerDiva


Ah, Silverlight... the hours I spent mastering that tech. Gotta say, I miss the simplicity. UWP has its perks, sure, but there was a certain predictability with Silverlight – it did what you expected. Harsh to see it go extinct. Now we deal with a whole new set of weird quirks and bugs that make you wanna bust out the old MSDN forum posts for guidance.

1 year, 2 months ago by DevOldSchool


Silverlight was cool and all, but honestly, it's time to look forward. The new tech we have now like .NET MAUI is the future. I mean, cross-platform UI, come on, that's where it's at. I say let go of the past and start embracing the modern dev experience!

1 year, 2 months ago by ModernStackRox


Couldn't agree more!!! Silverlight projects just felt easier to manage and the community was tight. I miss plugging away at those XAML layouts without worrying about the flip-flopping of frameworks. Sometimes I wonder if it'd have survived had it had more time to evolve with today's tech.

1 year, 2 months ago by SilverlightWarrior


Man, I know nostalgia's a thing, but UWP is miles ahead in so many aspects. Sure, Silverlight had its charm, but that’s history. We gotta embrace the improvements and learn to deal with the complexities. Blank exceptions are annoying af but once you get the hang of debugging UWP, it feels like a cakewalk. imo UWP’s capabilities are worth the initial pain.

1 year, 2 months ago by UWPTechie