Hey Devs! Noticed a lot of people struggling with performance when it comes to XAML bindings on heavy UIs. After years of UWP development, I compiled a list of optimizations that can seriously cut down on lag.
Firstly, make sure you're using {x:Bind} over {Binding} wherever possible. It compiles down to direct calls rather than reflection, which is a huge plus for speed.
Second, use x:DeferLoadStrategy for complex views that aren't immediately visible. It defers the loading of that view until it's actually needed. This can greatly reduce initial load times for your app.
Lastly, consider implementing INotifyPropertyChanged judiciously. Constant updates to UI elements can lead to a choppy experience. Only raise property changes when needed, and batch updates if possible to avoid over-rendering.
Hope this helps some of you out there. Keep tweaking, the devil's in the details!
Submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by XAMLRocks21
A lot of devs overlook the power of INotifyPropertyChanged. They just implement it without thinking. Great to see it mentioned here. You DON'T need to notify for every single property change, especially if they're not bound to the UI. Triggered updates should be done smartly.
This is a great start. For those looking to squeeze out every ounce of performance, also consider working with Compiled Bindings wherever applicable. This not only improves performance by reducing reflection but also provides compile-time validation of your bindings, which can be a lifesaver when working on larger projects.