

Navigating WinRT APIs like a Pro

I'm seeing lots of questions around the WinRT API mess, and lemme tell ya, you're not alone in the confusion. So, here’s my attempt at a super quick guide: - First things first, understand the app model. UWP apps run in a sandbox which means WinRT provides the APIs to …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by API_Wizard


1 tip for performance - keep it simple

Too many devs overcomplicating solutions. Most performance gains come from hygiene: reduce dependencies, clean up XAML, use simple data structures. No fancy tricks needed.
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by TightCodeRunner


Missing the old Silverlight days

RIP Silverlight, you were too pure for this world. UWP just isn't the same. Every time I see that blank exception I get war flashbacks to simpler times. Maybe it's the nostalgia goggles but DAE feel like things were just... smoother back then?
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by NullPtrException


Adaptive UI is the FUTURE!

Listen up folks! If you aren't using Adaptive UI yet, you're living in the dark ages. Just finished building an app that looks AMAZING on any device it runs on, all thanks to the power of Adaptive Triggers and Visual State Managers. Seriously, it's not even that hard to get …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by AdaptiveUI_ftw


Apple Dev > WP Dev, fight me

All y'all wasting time on a dead platform lol. Should've jumped on the iOS train when you had the chance. P.S: this is just a friendly jab, please don't ban me 😇
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by Troll4TheCode


Why does the emulator hate me 😑

spent HOURS trying to figure out a bug only to learn it doesn't even exist on an actual device...the emulator was just being a pain. like, can you NOT? anyone else have emulator horror stories? or tips to make it less painful?
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by DebuggingDemon


Deep Dive into XAML Bindings - Performance Tips

Hey Devs! Noticed a lot of people struggling with performance when it comes to XAML bindings on heavy UIs. After years of UWP development, I compiled a list of optimizations that can seriously cut down on lag. Firstly, make sure you're using `{x:Bind}` over `{Binding}` wherever possible. It compiles down …
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by XAMLRocks21


How to get started with UWP?

totally new to UWP development (and coding in general lol). any good resources out there for real beginners? most stuff i find assumes too much knowledge. just wanna make a simple app for now. thanks :)
submitted 1 year, 2 months ago by wpDever_noobie