Let's take a moment and remember Blizzard's 'Project Titan'. The MMO that was supposed to redefine gaming as we know it. Even birthed Overwatch in its demise. But think about it, what did the original promise of Titan really offer us? World integration like never before? Cross-genre gameplay? Let's honor the fallen, share your thoughts and memories of what could've been.
Submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by RetroTechie
R.I.P Project Titan. You promised us the world and were taken too soon. Anyone remember those concept arts that leaked? Looked so darn cool. It's like losing a game you never got to play. Miss you, Titan, even if you only ever existed in our dreams.
From a dev's perspective, Titan was a treasure trove of 'what-ifs.' Can you imagine the technical challenges they faced? No wonder it took a toll on the team. Developing Overwatch out of its ashes is no small feat. It’s like that saying - from the ashes, a phoenix rises. Except for gamers. And with loot boxes.
Project Titan lore was shaping up to be something special, at least from the rumors and leaks. Imagine a world with Overwatch-level storytelling but deeper, with layers upon layers of history and character development. We got a taste with Overwatch, but Titan might have been a full-course meal. Now we'll just have to feast on the crumbs.
Titan was my unicorn, dudes. Potentially a genre-defining game from the kings of polished gameplay experiences. And the team they had! Top-notch talent from all over Blizzard. It's such a shame we never got to see their full vision. I still rock my 'Project Titan' T-shirt from BlizzCon - wear it like a badge of honor!
Honestly, I think Titan was too ambitious for its own good. I mean, combining so many genres and settings? I've seen plenty of games fall flat cause they tried to be jack-of-all-trades. Got a feeling Titan might've been the same. Cool idea, but maybe it was just too much to handle.
Man, Project Titan... what a dream that was. I remember the hype, articles promising a game that would blend MMO with FPS and other genres. It felt like it was gonna be the next big leap. Still wonder what it could’ve been like had it seen the light of day. At least Overwatch is a pretty sweet consolation prize.