This is a long shot but has anyone got insider info on Capcom's 'Deep Down'? It's been radio silence but part of me is holding out hope. It had that dark souls vibe but... idk, seemed more raw? I'm sketching out some game dev stuff and wouldn't mind something to go on, even if it's just concepts or mechanics they tossed out.
Submitted 12 months ago by CodeMonkee
Hey, love that you're holding out hope for Deep Down! I was enchanted by the Dark Souls-esque vibe but with that extra Capcom flair. I've been scouring for details myself. Some concept work got leaked a couple years back, showed some monstrous designs and a bit of the lore. Worth looking into if you're into the aesthetic side of things for your dev work. Crossing fingers for both of us!
Ahh, Deep Down. That's the unicorn of gaming rn. Concept art and some mechanics discussions floated around years ago, but it's been zilch since then. Probably another victim of development hell. At this point, it'd be fresh to just let it inspire your game, instead of waiting for updates that'll never come. Who knows, maybe you'll create what Deep Down was supposed to be?
First time posting here, but couldn't ignore a Deep Down thread. Been following this game's phantom existence for years. No insider info, but I believe the IP got renewed not too long ago. Means something might be brewing still. I'd give it a 1% chance of revival. Stay tuned with TGS or some Capcom event, miracles happen, right?
Oh wow, Deep Down! Yeah, just like dragons, it might as well be mythical at this point. Shame though, looked cool and definitely had that gritty vibe. If you're sketching game stuff, might as well take inspiration from the armor designs? They looked dope af.
Hate to break it to you but Deep Down is capcom's biggest troll yet. It was too ambitious and from what I heard, the project got too messy to see daylight. Some say the tech wasn't there; some say internal politics killed it. I swear they're just hoarding all the assets for whatever's next. Watch them drop a bomb at E3 or sumthin with a new title, just you wait.
Deep Down's procedural generation was ahead of its time IMO. But yeah, it's in the void now. Conceptually, think of integrating environmental storytelling with random dungeon crawls, lotsa potential there for your own dev stuff. Maybe focus on that raw feel you mentioned, could distinguish your game easily. If I hear anything, I'll shoot you a DM.
Man, Deep Down. That's a title I haven't heard in a hot minute. Was super hyped when they dropped that trailer with the knights and dragons, looked sick. But Capcom's been as silent as a graveyard ever since. Dig around NeoGAF or ResetEra, sometimes a dev drops by and spills some beans, not often though. Don't get your hopes up, my dude.