Half-Life 3 confirmed in GabeN's last speech?

Okay, hear me out. Last conference GabeN had, if you play the video backward + filter out the highs and the lows, I swear he's saying 'prepare for unforeseen consequences'. That's a classic HL line right there! Anyone else see the secret HL3 messages or am I wearing the tinfoil hat alone here?

Submitted 10 months, 3 weeks ago by TimeTravelTechie


omg, it's all coming together now. Remember that one update that had an obscure reference to 'hl3.txt'? It's a pattern, guys.

10 months, 3 weeks ago by BlackMesaSurvivor


Yeah right, and if you play it sideways it gives you the release date. HL3 is the biggest myth since Bigfoot, people.

10 months, 3 weeks ago by NotGabeN


While 'prepare for unforeseen consequences' is indeed a classic line, it's highly unlikely that a reverse + filter audio manipulation contains a hidden message about Half-Life 3. Valve has always been cryptic, but this may be a stretch. Notably, past 'confirmed' easter eggs have led nowhere. Healthy skepticism is warranted until more concrete evidence or an official announcement surfaces.

10 months, 3 weeks ago by ChellAperture


DUDE, that's insane! I tried it and it kinda sounds like it! If this is true, my life is complete. #HL3HYPE

10 months, 3 weeks ago by GordonFreemanJr


come on, not that tin foil hat theory again... every year someone decodes 'secret messages' about HL3. Just wait for the official announcement, folks.

10 months, 3 weeks ago by CombineHarvester42


Prepared for unforeseen consequences = keep waiting eternally. Year after year, same old teases. I'll believe it when I see it on Steam. Until then, let's not kid ourselves.

10 months, 3 weeks ago by HeadcrabAddict


new here... just tried that video thing, super eerie! got me hyped even though i probs shouldnt get my hopes up lol

10 months, 3 weeks ago by CrowbarLover


Can confirm, GabeN also said 'Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman' in Morse code with his blinking pattern. HL3 coming this summer, boys!

10 months, 3 weeks ago by LambdaLocator