

Vapourware who came back from the dead!

Feeling down about all these great games never seeing the light of day? Remember 'Duke Nukem Forever'? Yeah, it wasn't what we hoped, but it got released after like a century in dev hell. So... maybe, just maybe, there's still hope for some of our fav vapourware out there. Anyone …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by HopeDiesLast92


Vapourware is just a tactic to sell more games

Change my mind: all vapourware is just a marketing ploy to sell more of their current games. Like 'look how awesome we are, too bad you'll never play this'. Then idiots go out and buy their other games just to feel closer to the dream. It's all a cash grab!
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by AgentProvocateur


Vapourware Hall of Fame: Project Titan

Let's take a moment and remember Blizzard's 'Project Titan'. The MMO that was supposed to redefine gaming as we know it. Even birthed Overwatch in its demise. But think about it, what did the original promise of Titan really offer us? World integration like never before? Cross-genre gameplay? Let's honor …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by RetroTechie


What's your ultimate vapourware dream game?

Saw a post earlier abt games we're still waiting on and got me thinking. If you could have any game, no matter how unrealistic, magically appear tomorrow, fully developed, bug-free, and as awesome as you've imagined, which one would it be? For me, its def the original vision for No …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by DreamReaper3000


Why we need to stop hyping vapourware

Seriously though, how many times we gotta fall for this? I mean, I love a good 'what if' debate but at some point we have to accept some of these titles are just... never gonna happen. It's like devs know they can throw a sick trailer and get free hype …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by Skeptical_Gamer


Long shot, but anyone got deets on Deep Down?

This is a long shot but has anyone got insider info on Capcom's 'Deep Down'? It's been radio silence but part of me is holding out hope. It had that dark souls vibe but... idk, seemed more raw? I'm sketching out some game dev stuff and wouldn't mind something to …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by CodeMonkee


Miss the days when games were just a dream

Anyone else just miss the days when we had less but somehow it felt like more? I feel like waiting for Star Citizen just took me back to daydreaming bout' games when I was a kid. Games that were all hype and no show, somehow their legends just... felt better, …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by pixel_pusher89


Netflix's Dr. Seuss shows and specials are not having any updates

The shows that haven't been resurfaced with updates include: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (2D series), The Sneetches (CGI special), Thidwick the Big Hearted Moose (CGI special), Wacky Wednesday (live-action/animation hybrid series), and Horton Hears a Who (CGI series). Both of them were announced in 2022. It's …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by Whopper1


Half-Life 3 confirmed in GabeN's last speech?

Okay, hear me out. Last conference GabeN had, if you play the video backward + filter out the highs and the lows, I swear he's saying 'prepare for unforeseen consequences'. That's a classic HL line right there! Anyone else see the secret HL3 messages or am I wearing the tinfoil …
submitted 11 months, 4 weeks ago by TimeTravelTechie